A fated encounter.

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'' You want me to be a part of a raid?'' Izuku asked Sir Nighteye as the older hero walked into the lunch room.'' Indeed. I understand if you don't want to talk about work during lunch, But I was unable to bring it up earlier due to your patrol hours.'' Oh, it's fine, But I would be honored to participate in the raid if you want.'' Not just participate, I wish for you to lead.'' This caught Izuku off guard. Up until now. Izuku was sure that Sir disliked him. But this was a massive step up. This was established hero-type action.

'' Why me Sir, I would love to, But It doesn't make sense with the other heroes you have working under you here.'' Tell me Midoriya, What is Togata's dream.'' Uhm to save a million people'' Indeed, will that dream start with him leading this raid.'' Izuku shook his head. Sir had already explained it. Nighteye Agancy's current mission was to take down a large Yakuza cell. They called themselves the Shie Hassaikai. Sir and the rest had already spent hours looking into each crime.'' Will this raid, help Bubble Girl to take care of herself?'' No.'' Could this raid make a massive difference in how the outside world sees you?''

Izuku nodded'' Exactly. Add the factor that you might be the most physically gifted being here. Which the public likes. So we will show that off.'' Sir said Izuku nodded'' But it's not close yet. We are still trying to learn more about the group.'' Izuku nodded as he finished his foot. Thankfully today was a full Patrol day. and right after lunch, he went right back outside.'' Well come on team leader'' Mirio teased Izuku right away. 

He was proud of the fact. It would be a massive talking point. They just had to hope that the Media did not fuck it up.'' Just a simple center patrol. We will keep our distance from each other. So each is on one side of the street. Keep in seeing distance.'' Mirio said with Izuku nodded. Weirdly enough for Izuku. The reason for it was to get attacked. When a criminal sees 2 heroes. more often than not, that is an unfair match-up. so they would hold off and do the crime at a later date. This would create a problem as the heroes can't stop it right away.

But if there is only one hero visible. Well, that's fair, and if they were gonna commit a crime anyway, it wouldn't matter to beat 1 hero. Izuku was slightly jealous of Mirio during the patrol. People knew he was the dragon from UA. Not hard to see as Izuku wore that proudly, but it caused those who also knew to be weary of him. To step to the side as Izuku passed by. To looked down at the floor as he came close. However, with Mirio, everyone loved him. They treated him kindly with waves and laughs.

Izuku was shaken out of his thoughts when he felt something crash against him. A small girl. Instantly Izuku noticed a multitude of things. The bandages that covered her limbs. She wore no shoes, no shocks, it didn't even look like she had on pants. All she had was a dress that looked more like a ripped pillowcase. The girl's face was also dirty. Her hair was a complete mess. Not something you would want to see for a girl that looked barely 10.'' Hey, are you alright?'' Izuku crouched down and offered his hand. He felt a connection with this girl

The girl seemed frozen. Unable to move until. Footsteps echoed from the alley behind her. Instantly the girl jumped into Izuku's arms. In the softest yet weakest voice he heard her speak.'' help me, don't let him take me.'' Izuku was taken aback by this.'' Eri, come'' The voice spoke. The shadows of the building still hide the figure. As he stepped out Izuku could see the man clearly. He wore white sneakers. black suit pants on top of that, a brown belt holding them up. Tucked in his pants he wore a matching black dress shirt with a white tie. An olive green bomber jacket with a thick purple fur collar.

His dark brown hair was cut short yet remained a slight mess, But the most noticeable part of the man was the bird beak mask he wore. His golden eyes remained focused on Eri. as the little girl gripped Izuku's coat as tight as she could. Hurting her fingers by the force.'' Sorry hero. Seems the brat ran away. you know how DRAGONS are.'' The pure hatred the man had when he said the word dragons made it all clear. Izuku stood up. His pupils turn into slits. His arms turned scaley, as the hand pressed against the girl to hold her up grew sharper. His forehead grew horns, resembling a crown. It was clear to everyone now that Izuku was a dragon aswell.

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