the rest of the Training

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'' Thank,s All Might for blowing my strategy, totally didnt seem like you were trying to mess me up,'' Izuku said as he went to sit down at the back. All might stayed smiling.'' I was merely informing my students of the objective, heroes should work together.'' Izuku scoffed, seeing that it came from Mister Solo, He didn't have a teammate in well over 5 years and even all his so-called sidekicks were none fighters that stayed behind, But arguing with a teacher just meant trouble so he stayed quiet waiting for the match to start.

'' I wonder how the team is going to deal with that,'' Izuku thought as Ochaco, Awase and Todoroki were teaming up as villains, against Tsuyu, Yaoyorozu, and Monoma. As the camera showed they weren't that friendly to both teams. '' Just stay back, I don't need help you will just get in my way'' Todoroki told Ururaka and Awase with a burning glare'' w-we should work together tho.'' Ochaco tried but Todoroki wasn't having any of it.'' Just sit back and like me do what I was created for.'' Todoroki said walking out, Halfway down Todoroki started showing his power.

'' What the hell,'' Mineta said scared of another powerhouse. '' IS HE SERIOUS.'' All Might said shocked mostly for Nana, Todoroki, had completely frozen the bottom three stories of the building. Not enough ice to make them unable to answer, But more than enough to make it very hard,'' HAHAHA DOES THAT POMPOUS BASTARD REALLY BELIEVE SOMETHING LIKE THIS WILL STOP ME, I SHALL EASILY WIN THIS.'' Monoma screamed at the building as he already had a copied quirk. '' I can't help Kero.'' the Frog girl Tsuyu asked with both looking at her in confusion.

'' I am a frog, Even standing here, I am already getting sleepy.'' Oh my god, my apologies Asui, I should have known, please take a couple of steps back and warm up, We shall find a way to succeed without your help.'' Yaoyorozu said worriedly about her classmate. Monoma was just grumbling to himself about how he would not need any help, He was the great Neito Monoma, The one that shall surpass all heroes with their own quirk. But now he had Todoroki's own quirk copied, He bumped his shoulder copying the quirk. Sure he only had a couple of minutes left but he didn't need more.

'' START'' no, here.'' Monoma had calculated, that they froze from the third floor down, thus they had to be on the third floor.'' we will win quickly.'' He rose both Yaoyorozu and himself up in an ice pillar right toward the third floor. where they opened the window and stepped in. Face to face with Todoroki.'' Idiot, you really think I didnt notice the copy of my quirk.'' HA AS IF THAT MATTERS.'' Monoma shot out an ice layer. his rough control nearly hitting momo and making her stumble into the wall. 

But it didnt matter. time had run out. and Todoroki just attacked back with fire, sending a fireball down the hallway and burning the ice. It would have burned up both Momo and Monoma if Momo didnt jump in front with a shield. a high-temperature shield. Only for Todoroki to lead up with a covering of ice, capturing the remaining two heroes with ice.'' IT'S OVER, VILLAINS TAKE THE WIN ONCE MORE.'' Seems we won.'' Awase said rubbing his head as they walked out. He just needed better teammates as the strategy Ochaco told him was quite good, But egos.

They walked past the others, Shoda teamed up with Yanagi and Nana, who had kept her face as if she wasn't even there with her hands bandaged up, and they would fight Toga, Tokoyami, and Kendo.'' I intend to use teamwork.'' Shoda asked the two women with Yanagi nodding.'' yeah whatever.'' Nana said. She really didnt care who she was gonna fight, all she could think of was Izuku's hand around her throat. no pressure, to force, But she knew her life was forfeited at that time, the villain spared her life. That would cost them. as the hero team was a real team.

'' Well I will just follow behind, I got great close combat skill,'' Tokoyami nodded.'' I am well aware Kendo, However, I believe it's best if we take point and not try and fight. we need to split them up.'' Himiko just hummed sweetly slowing her breathing and emptying her mind completely.'' we shall take the point, we shall take their aggression and swallow it up within our darkness which will allow the two of you to focus on the bomb. ''START'' Hero team rushed in right away.  Easily clearing the first four floors with only the final floor left.

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