The outfit that makes the hero

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As Izuku woke up he groaned loudly. He turned his alarm off as he stepped out of bed, As he moved into the bathroom he noticed his face had bruised up alot more, But that was normal, He expected his face to bruise up, But he just jumped in the shower, and cleaned himself off fully. He got his clothes on and walked down.'' Oh, Izuku your face doesn't look good.'' I know mom, It just looks alot worse than it feels. I am fine.'' Izuku sat down as he began eating his breakfast

'' Yo Izuku, let's go, We gotta head to school,'' Hitoshi said as Izuku got up from the couch, He threw his bookbag over his shoulder and followed his stepbrother out of the house. They of course say goodbye to inko before meeting up with the rest of the group.'' AH IZUKU YOUR FACE.'' Himiko screamed as she saw Izuku, She and the rest of the girls rushed over to Izuku.'' I am fine, It's my own fault for taking so many hits to the face.'' You need to get checked out, I believe Recovery Girl can help.'' Nemuri suggested with Izuku waving it off.

''It's my own fault, and it's not really stopping me from school work. Just let's hurry don't want to get late for UA.'' Izuku started moving with the group following, each of them was irritated at Izuku's injuries, That someone could just punch Izuku, because of a bullshit reason like that, Plus Izuku wasn't really explaining his plan to them. The same reaction the girls had Ochaco had. She rushed for Izuku and checked out his face. In her panic Izuku started floating as all her fingers touched his face.'' woow, Ururaka, please stop using your quirk.'' Izuku said as he grabbed into Ochaco's bag.

'' SORRY I REALLY DIDNT MEAN TO,'' Ochaco said in a worried tone as she pressed his fingers together, bringing Izuku's gravity back, He nearly fell on his face but was able to catch himself.'' Let's get going.'' Izuku said just wanted to get to school. The sooner he gets done with school the sooner he can sleep, the sooner he can sleep and his face can heal. as he walked into UA he expected everything, everyone smirking at him, He even heard some laughs, Something Kyoka heard aswell and was not happy about.

But as they entered the hero class he had not expected the reaction he got, Most everyone gave him a pitiful look, that they felt sorry for him in a certain way, Others still looked at him angrily. But one that didnt show up yet was Nana,'' Hey you guys move ahead, I gotta do something.'' Rumi told them as she acted as she moved toward the toilet, She however just waited near an empty hallway that everyone had to pass. It took 2 minutes before Rumi noticed Nana, Rumi jumped out, grabbed Nana by the blazer, and threw her in the hallway.

She slammed her against the wall.'' Listen to me you bitch.'' Rumi growled as she held the shirt tightly.'' If you so much as fucking glare at Izuku, I will fucking murder you, I let Izuku do his thing, But you dare to do something like that ever again, and I will kick that fucking head of yours clean off. AM I FUCKING UNDERSTOOD.'' Rumi was extremely pissed off and this was the only thing she could really do. She wasn't as gentle as Nemuri, or as Bubly as Mina or Ochaco, She could just fight.

'' Fine just let me go, I don't even want to deal with him anymore,'' Nana said, more so irritated about being held down than Izuku. She barely slept, The entire night Izuku was running in her mind, She gave each punch her all, and he fucking took it, in the end, she could have died, Rumi let go of the blazer and walked back toward the class. Nana waited a bit, before following and fixing her blazer. Most of the class was normal, Each teacher started acting normal toward Izuku, Unbeknownst to Izuku, Nezu had seen how each of them acted toward him and had talked with them about it.

Each teacher while not friendly. also, they weren't hateful, They acted more as if he wasnt really there. as the room waited for All Might, They decided to talk with each other.'' Is your face really fine, We are going to fight in this class,'' I ain't that easily taken down, Just make sure if you are against me do not hold your punches cause of pity.'' Izuku told Ojiro who nodded with a smirk.'' Just hope yo'' HAHAHA I HAVE ARRIVED'' All Might laughed as he opened the door.

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