Together they are strong

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Mandalay smiled as she looked at the group of kids she was in charge of. They would end up being in the same role as herself. The group parent. In her group. you had Kyoka, Momo, Tsuyu, Pony, Ibara, Honenuki, Monoma, and Mei. Each one could if needed fight on their own, But their real power came if they had a group to work with. That was their entire strong point.'' Well hello, ladies and gentlemen. As you know. I am Mandalay. I am the leader of the Wild Wild pussycats.'' Mandalay introduced herself

She sat in front of her group on the floor, each of them catching their breath as they had just finished the workout torture program Tiger and forced them to wake up too.'' As you may know. I make most of the decisions in our group, can anyone tell me why a group needs a leader and why they chose me.'' This was her first lesson. As she asked it in a soft and sweet voice, with this calm aura around her. everyone felt a need to answer right away. Each of them spouted what they believed to be correct which resulted in a mess of words and chaos.

Mandalay raised her finger. A simple pointer finger in the sky And all of them grew silent instantly. None even released they had stopped talking. They just did.'' This is why I was chosen. And you showed why a group needs a leader, well done each of you.'' She praised them.'' Now then let's try that again. Instead of spouting your answer, raise your hands and I will allow you to speak okay.'' Everyone nodded. Mandalay smiled. her joyous face causing everyone to feel warm.

'' Can someone tell me the job of a leader.'' The hands went up.'' Miss Jiro.'' It's to make the decision of the group.'' Yes and no. Oh, Miss Shiosaki perhaps.'' It's to make sure there is no unrest in the group.'' Mandalay shook her head.'' While these are all right, they are not fully correct. You see If I tell pixie-bob to jump. and her leg hurts. that will cause unrest. I made the decision and it caused problems. The real reason a leader is needed. so that the group can move as one. That's the whole idea of why groups are strong.''

Mandalay smiled as she used her sharp nail paw glove to draw in the dirt.'' Think of a group as a human body. Let's take my group for example. You can see Ragdoll as the brains of the group. We go off her quirk to assess the enemy. Then we can take Pixie-bob as the lower body. She makes sure we are safe and we get to where we need to be. Then Tiger is the arms. Protecting the main body and doing alot of damage with attacks. Then What would I be?'' Mandalay asked with Pony excitedly saying body.'' No yelling out awnsers. Raise your hand before okay.'' Pony nodded.'' But wrong. I don't hold the body together.''

Mei raised her hand.'' Miss Hatsume.'' You are like the Nervous system. you tell everyone where to go and how to act. so the body acts in sync. then you are able to walk and not hurt yourself.'' Mandalay beamed as she patted Mei's head.'' Correct miss Hatsume. Very well done. Mei blushed at the praise. Something she had never done before. This feeling was strange.'' You see most people focus mostly on themselves and the enemy. It's how most are trained. I will teach you how to focus on everything at the same time''

Mandalay spoke as if it would be the easiest thing in the world. Then again. For her it was. Decorated pro heroes already listen to her advice in battle. Part of why they were one of the best pro-hero teams in the world. Very few groups that were able to outperform them.'' Now then. I have here some rope. Find yourself a partner and tie your legs together. at the ankle. above the knee. At the hip and an arm over the shoulder with it being tied around one shoulder and the other wrist. 

They had 8 people so four duos.  Momo teamed up with Kyoka. Both have a good friendship, believing they would be able to work together perfectly. Pony and Ibara did the same. Both have a good connection. Mei and Tsuyu were next. with lastly the two boys teaming up themselves. Honenuki and Monoma.'' Now that you are all tied nicely together. We will work out together. But there is a special point'' Mandalay smiled. While this training would not be as evil as Pixie-bobs or as weird as Ragdoll. Nowhere near as painful as Tigers. It would cause plenty of problems.

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