Start the exam.

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The class was still as the bus came to a stop. On each of their laps, They held the briefcase, that held their hero outfit. They were trying to steady their nerves. To steady their pounding heart. They were at the Provisional Hero Licensing Exam. The day they had trained for. The reason, Rex and Tohru, Endeavor, Dabi and Moe, and Rush had all trained them. The reason they had all grown from pure students to monsters. Yet they were worried. They had but a short time to get where they were now. They had villains around them. Those that they would go against, Would be older.'' Let's get going.'' Izuku said, standing up and looking back.

'' You better let me go first, I ain't walking behind someone weaker than me.'' Bakugo scoffed. Rolling his shoulders. Throwing his briefcase over his shoulder, His elbow pointing high as he walked forward, Izuku simply stepped to the side, letting him pass.'' Save best for last right.'' Setsuna smirked as Bakugo's head began shaking with rage.'' Y-YOU, OOOOH YOU.'' Bakugo growled before he was pushed by Kiri'' Come on man, Dont hog the front, '' Bakugo moved with a growl.

One by one each student walked out. Grouping up by the side of the bus. Each one looking around. There were thousands of heroes in training. It was shocking. They could not believe the fact, that so many students would come. Yet something that they knew would happen. Each class looked right at them. They felt their eyes on them. Their attention was on them.'' Ignore them, They are focused on the wrong thing.'' Izuku told the class.'' They can focus on my fist when I get close.'' Nemuri spoke raising her fist only for it to be pushed down by Kyoka.'' we should stick to the plan.''

'' Indeed Kyoka. Stick to the plan and you all will pass.'' Aizawa said as he stepped out. He quickly sighed as he heard a voice he knew all too well'' HEEEEY ZAWAAA'' He glanced to the side.'' Miss Joke'' Oh come on zawa, Call me Wivie.'' Izuku and Hitoshi looked at the woman. A young woman, With light green hair. A hero, and by the class that followed her, A teacher'' Like I said, I am already married, and even if I was not, I rather sit on a cactus and join the tour the France.'' Some of the students at UA had not expected their normally serious teacher to say that.

'' Oh wow, you guys are from UA. It's a pleasure to meet you.'' He offered a hand. One Izuku happily took. The guy was being sneaky. Using a low vibration to weak the arm. Only it didnt work on Izuku.'' Nice try, But if you wanna weaken me, try this.'' Izuku added pressure. closing his hand slightly. Crushing the other man's hand. He gritted his teeth trying to pull his hand back. Only to nearly fall as Izuku let go.'' If you wanna harm a dragon, I expect better.'' Izuku's eyes burned bright. The slits, Focused fully on the other class.

They could only swallow as they felt the eyes of every UA student on them. Each one did not feel like a student. They looked like they were full-fledged pro heroes.'' Oh, don't worry. I will give you what you want, Dragon.'' He spat out the last part with venom. Right as Emi wrapped her arm over his shoulders'' Dont be like that you idiot, Well, Good luck in the exam, Target, Oh sorry Midoriya hahaha'' Miss Joke laughed as they walked away.

'' Ignore her, she is an idiot. Focus on yourself, Focus on your friends. Get dressed, We have Room J, It's down there.'' Aizawa said. Making sure the students focused on what was important. Passing the exam. The training had been hard for them, But they could see the changes between themselves. The class had always had a chance to pass, Each of them would push themselves until they passed, But now. Hell, Aizawa would be surprised if even one of them lost. The entire class came out at the same time. Each one wearing their hero outfits.'' Really?'' Kirishima asked Izuku.

He simply nodded. Gotta stand out.'' Izuku had gone shirtless. He had nothing over his top. His chest stood naked against the cold air, Giving everyone a clear look at the massive Tattoo he had.'' Gonna make it harder for us'' Mina said with a chuckle.'' But then they saw. Izuku's body changed. 

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