The final stretch of the PHLE

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Izuku slammed his hand in the dirt. His finger-like claws gripped as much as possible before he ripped his hand up.'' You tried to blind me with sand.'' Endeavor said, having dealt with such attacks a thousand times before. Endeavor increased the flames, burning the dirt to embers well before it touched him. But in that small burst of flame, Izuku had disappeared. He however made himself known rather quickly. From Endeavor's side, he felt an incredible amount of pressure. Izuku had thrown a punch in his ribs. 

Izuku planted his feet down. Resting on the ball of his feet. With a rough twist of the hip, generating speed and force. He clenched his fist tightly before he twisted his fist aswell. Izuku landed his blow perfectly on the rib cage. As it landed on Endeavor his head flopped to the side and his ribs cracked under the pressure. Endeavor rolled over the ground, Coughing up some blood.'' You held nothing back with that blow, you aimed to injure me in a single blow.'' Endeavor spoke as he stood back up. He touched his ribs and knew they were broken. Izuku merely smiled.

'' When fighting for the lives of others, I can't afford to play around.'' You make me proud to have taught you, But now I will teach you the most important lesson of them all.'' Endeavor's flames turned bright as they flared up in size.'' HUMILITY IS A HERO'S GREATEST LESSON.'' Endeavor started a move that Izuku had never seen before. He forced out flames from the bottom of his feet. He shot forward toward Izuku at insane speeds. Izuku did not even have time enough to raise his guard. He was forced to take the blow head-on. Endeavor smirked as he threw Izuku back.

'' COME ON MIDORIYA, YOU GOT THIS,'' Ojiro yelled as he jumped over two gun-wielding thugs. Gang Orca stood and fought with the third year, Going blow for blow. Shishido threw his claw at the other third-year, completely trashing him. '' I am your opponent remember.'' Endeavor said from behind Izuku as he stomped his foot down. Izuku just barely rolled out of the way, Only being hit with a small sweep of flames as he rolled out to the side.'' Dont think I will be easy to defeat'' Izuku remembered'' DONT TRY AND WIN THE FIGHT, SIMPLY STALL THEM OUT,'' Izuku yelled out.

Both he and his group had been fighting to win. A fight they would never win. They were fighting three of the top 10 heroes. One being the number two hero, Most likely the next Number one hero with All Might's retirement.'' You won't be able to win alone indeed.'' BUT TOGETHER WE CAN.'' A voice spoke from the side. It was Nana. Rushing over with OFA. She threw a blow at Endeavor that tanked it on the shoulder. It forced him straight to the side.'' Don't you know it's rude to interrupt two people fighting?'' Endeavor said as he rolled his shoulder.

That blow had hurt his shoulder. '' Who cares about that villain? We just have to beat your butt, And we should do that together.'' But what about the others?'' Izuku asked thinking more of those around him than himself'' Oh I did not come alone.'' Izuku looked. Tetsutetsu and Itsuka joined the fight against Shishido as Juzo fought against Gang Orca.'' Seems the couple will deal with me alone.'' Endeavor smirked as he saw the two get slightly embarrassed. Hell if he would end up on the losing side, He might just embarres them to win.

Izuku dashed forward again. Swinging from the left. Nana followed along only from the right. As Nana went low, going for a leg sweep, Izuku went high with a lariat. But Endeavor had more experience as a hero than both had to be alive. He widened his stance. Bracing for both. Gripping Izuku's arm'' Oh fuuuu...'' As Endeavor pulled Izuku, Using some skill in Judo as he turned his butt toward Izuku, leaving Izuku's arm over his shoulder. Then with a strong downward pull and a slight push of the back, Izuku was flipped over Endeavor's shoulder, and thrown right onto Nana.

As both lay there as Endeavor sent his next attack, Both hands combined as he intertwined fingers. He slammed it down like a sledgehammer right on Izuku. This would have been enough had it been anyone else, But a moment before, The moment Izuku was thrown over Enji's shoulder'' Vahlok( Gaurd)'' This meant the blow did much less than Enji had hoped. The dragon's body which was already far more durable than most others, Now had grown even tougher. The blow that would have broken bones, would have crushed lungs, Now just kicked out some air.'' Now then see if you can handle the heat.'' yol(Fire)'' Izuku breathes out flames.

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