True colors revealed

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'' WHAT THE FUCK.'' The news crew yelled. They were there filming a shit peace of ghosts at the harbor when a large massive explosion took place north of them. The cameraman quickly looked over. seeing the aftermath.'' We need to check that out.'' The journalist yelled as they ran over. As they hid in the shadows. using the broken buildings and the zoom-in feature of the large camera they came right as All Might landed.'' As you can see Behind me. We see that All Might reached the large explosion first. Now we don't know what happened, BUT IT SEEMS LIKE HE JUST KILLED ALL MIGHT.''

They had instantly started live broadcasting, they needed the views badly, Right as they saw Izuku's hand move. they could just see his arm to the side. All Might dropped to his knees. Their shock was everywhere. thousands of people at home felt the same shock.'' Dammit, They should not be there.'' Nezu said as he saw the news. He tapped on his desk.'' I hope this will still work out.'' Nezu said with worry. His calculations were done as he tapped on the small folded piece of paper. But even with calculations, This would have outcomes he could have never predicted.

'' HE DIDNT,'' Raven yelled out as he slammed his hand on the table. He rushed out of his house. He needed to go there. He needed to hear from Izuku himself why he did what he did, Kai followed suit. She wasn't about to sit back and look. Both quickly went over. Taking the bullet train, forcing themselves to watch it through their phones, Not wanting to miss a moment.'' I can't believe it, There is no way he would right.'' Kai said worried. Did the power corrupt Izuku?

'' That is not Izuku,'' Chichi yelled as she nearly kicked the table in half. She had gotten the entire street together in the Midoriya household, They watched the news when they saw it change.'' I-Izuku.'' Inko said, tears in her eyes as she saw her son kill All Might.'' We are missing something. We have to be.'' Mina said. There was not a way that Izuku did that, Yes he might not have loved All Might, But he wouldn't kill him. Izuku was too good for that. He wasn't evil, He couldn't be evil.

'' no, noooooo, NOOOOO.'' Nana screamed as her legs lost strength. Now she did not only lose her real parents but now she also lost All Might, the man who raised her as his own. the man she could call father.'' I don't believe it. What am I missing Izuku, Tell me. TELL ME WHAT DON'T I SEE, WHAT IS YOUR PLAN. THERE HAS TO BE SOME SORT OF PLAN.'' She screamed at her television, hoping her voice would somehow carry through the machine and reach Izuku, everyone at UA did. each one tried to yell, trying someone reaching out to Izuku. They hoped their words reached him.

'' LET'S REWARD YOU SHALL WE,'' AFO spoke as he reached his hand out. His arm goes for Izuku's head. Izuku saw it, Behind AFO's eyes. his real goal. He was going to take over Izuku's body, Just like his master had tried before.'' Yes, But I will earn it with my own two hands.'' Izuku grabbed AFO's wrist.'' wha.'' BROTHER WHAT ARE YOU DOING.'' I AM DOING WHAT I WANTED TO DO FROM THE MOMENT I SAW YOU.'' Izuku's left leg moved forward, His right hand turned back before with a quick twist, still under the effects of Mul. Izuku implanted his fist deep in the ribs of AFO.

The force kicked AFO up. Spit and blood were forced out of his mouth as he was lifted off his feet. Izuku held his arm tightly.'' NOW ALL MIGHT.'' With tears still in his eyes as he remembered his life. with rage as he stood in front of the man who tried to kill him. All Might roared alive.'' ALL MIGHT IS ALIVE.'' Everyone reacted in shock. the villains didn't know what to do. the news nearly fainted. But then they noticed. Izuku's left hand still bleeding. Izuku had stabbed himself. He had pierced his hand, bleeding himself to make it seem like All Might was hurt.'' MUL.'' Izuku said again. now straining slightly as he applied a strength boost to All Might. 

He felt his muscles bust with life. His arms were strong enough to crush the mountains. First powerful enough to turn coal into diamond. All Might felt like himself again, For one last time. All Might pushed fuel into the fire. The last remaining embers burned brightly. The tame and small light now turned back into the raging inferno it once was. His body felt like his again.'' TODAY IS YOUR LAST DAY ALL FOR ONE.'' All Might's loud voice roared, It bounced around the area, its sound amplified by his might. AFO still struggled to breathe.'' leave''

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