Finally confessions

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Izuku walked toward the side and saw almost all the girls near each other. Only Momo and Nana weren't in the middle, so they all followed Izuku. Nana and Momo however weren't that far behind, Neither were many of the other guys. They were interested in what this was. Each of them was in earshot. All of them were waiting for Izuku to speak. He was just standing there awkwardly scratching his arm.'' What is it that you wanted to talk about?'' Ochaco asked with a smile

Izuku coughed.'' I am not sure if it's correct, But I am pretty sure some of you girls are in love with me'' Izuku sounded unsure. He had been questioning himself. He had never been good at reading the emotions of women. they were confusing to him. Even right now, they were blushing in front of him blushing and trying their best to hide their face from Izuku. And Izuku was pretty sure it was because of embarrassment. But he just wasn't sure if that was because they were in love. or if they were embarrassed about the fact he believed such a fact.

'' Is it true?'' Izuku asked wanting some form of an answer from the girls. Nemuri spoke up, Clearing her throat first'' Perhaps that is true why?'' While she and the other girls had talked about their shared love for Izuku. While they still had not come to terms with what to do. They had not expected Izuku to just bring it up in a random lesson with the others around them.'' Well Seeing I can't date all of you, And I kinda like all of you, I don't really want to hurt any of you. So maybe it's best if we ignore our feelings?'' 

Izuku didnt like it. It might hurt them more overall, But he couldn't decide who he loved more. He just loved them all equally and couldn't bear to choose one and hurt the others. The girls were quiet, They couldn't believe it. They hated the fact that Izuku didnt pick any of them. and it is a fit of frustration and anger. Mina spoke.'' IF YOU CANT DATE ONE OF US, DATE ALL OF US.'' She did not want to speak out so loudly, But she did, And the room turned dead silent room figuratively of course as they stood out in the open.

'' Is that even legal?'' Izuku asked unsure of his feelings about Mina's declaration.'' Y-Y-YOU CANT DATE THEM ALL.'' Momo yelled out stepping in. All of them looked at her. The girls that didnt have any feelings for Izuku decided this was the best chance to step back. They didnt walk away they just stayed close but out of the way.'' AND WHY IS THAT.'' Ochaco snapped back. The girls had started almost fighting between themselves. And right now Momo was stumped. She yelled out purely because she didnt want Izuku to date anyone but her.

'' Uhm, Uhm. Because, Uhm, laws and stuff'' She got out before Ida took a step forward'' While I could be mistaken. But I am adequately sure that certain quirks allow for a multitude of partners. Case and point hero ranked 54. MCloving is known for having a total count of 24 partners.'' Again Momo was stopped. Nemuri stepped toward Momo.'' so what is the real reason He cant date us huh?'' Momo looked to her sides, trying to think of something. But she came up short. Momo was unable to come up with a reason why Izuku could not date them.

'' what is going on?'' Izuku asked extremely confused. this started because he wanted to confess his own feelings toward the girls, But now it seemed that some of them would be fighting each other for some reason. And he was confused. Yui just walked toward Izuku.'' We are all in love with you, But Yaoyorozu is conflicted and scared of confessing her feelings for you which is causing this budding of heads.'' She explained calmly to Izuku who nodded'' Thanks, Should I do something'' Yui shrugged.'' Maybe step in and tell them to calm down?''

Izuku did as much stepping in the middle of both of them with a deep breath and a deep voice Izuku spoke'' SHUT UP AND SIT DOWN.'' He wasn't sure if that was the correct thing to say. But it was effective. As both Nemuri and Momo went dead silent and dropped to the floor. But Izuku was silent again. He looked back at Yui and whispered'' What now?''  Yui shrugged just like Izuku this was her first time discussing a harem relationship.'' GET A FUCKING ROOM WEIRDO'S'' Bakugo screamed and while he meant it as a way to tell them to fuck off and get out of the way.

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