Fan the flames.

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Izuku looked at the ceiling. His head was on his bed. He sat on the floor with his back on the bed. He was slightly worried. Izuku felt unsure about how his classmates felt about him. He knew they seemed to accept him, But something told him. Something deep within himself, Told him there was something. And he knew it was right.

How could they in all honesty trust him? '' Hey, you in there.'' The voice brought him out, Shaking his head slightly.'Uhm yeah, Come in.'' As the door opened. It was Nana.'' We are making dinner, You okay with Curry.'' Izuku gave a soft smile.'' Yeah, Thanks for telling me.'' Nana noticed there was something wrong. Stepping into the room and closing the door behind her. Her hands are still on the handle.

'' Something wrong.'' Izuku gave a single soft chuckle.'' How you know.'' Nana smiled softly.'' Women intuwition.''  Izuku smiled softly before letting out a sigh.'' I just, I don't know really. Something tells me that half the class still doesn't trust me. Like kind of how it had always been before UA you know.'' Nana nodded'' It's a hard thing you know.'' Izuku looked up at her.

''It's something All Might told me. Most people don't really understand what being a hero means. They see them on TV, and they look larger than life, They see All Might and Endeavor. Unbreakable, Unkillable monsters, And they just assume that's every hero. It's a game, It's fun. Until reality hits, Your actions were a real Heroes action, Doing something for the greater good, No matter the cost to yourself, And that realization still needs to set in, Even for me.'' Nana said softly. With a soft look on her face, she stepped forward, walking up to Izuku, Only to offer her hand.'' Come let's eat together.'' 

Izuku nearly started crying. Only to grab her hand and pull Nana down. Catching her in his arms, Wrapping them around her.'' Thank you for that.'' Izuku kissed her softly, A small smooch on her cheeks Before resting his head on her and hugging her. Nana could only blush, One moment she stood up, and the next, she felt the strong, powerful yet gentle arms of the man she loved around her.

Nana and Izuku stayed in the hug for a bit, Before Izuku stood up. still holding Nana.'' Let's go down.'' Nana just nodded as her face was still slightly red as she was let go. She quickly grabbed his hands as she started walking. Holding hands the entire way down. As the elevator pinged. They reached the bottom floor.'' what the hell took you fuckers that long, where you fucking or something.'' Bakugo screamed. He made the fucking Curry and if these dipshits were to have it get cold, Or burned, They would die.

'' Sorry, Nana helped me with some stuff.'' HOW IS THAT FAIR, I TALK ABOUT MASTERBATING, AND I GET RESTRAINED AND THROWN IN THE CLOSET, BUT HE DOES IT, AND IT'S FINE.'' Mineta screamed, Much to the amusement of most.'' Nana turned bright red.'' IT WASNT LIKE THAT, WE DIDN'T MASTERBATE'' Everyone had already assumed that, But Mina and Setsuna saw a golden opportunity here to tease.'' Oh, So what, you guys fucked, or did you suck him off.'' Nana turned even more red, She turned a shade that was not yet discovered, So red it made Kirishima's hair seem pink.'' NOTHING LIKE THAT.'' She screamed before using OFA to rush out. Dashing away somewhere.

Both Mina and Setsuna were dying of laughter, Ochaco, Toru and the like were trying not to laugh, and Some like Momo and Tokoyami were trying to hold their laughter in. While Ibara was trying not to blush as she held her cross neckless.'' Sinful.''

Izuku just grabbed a plate.'' Wow, Good stuff Bakugo.'' Pff, It's me, everything I do, I do with perfection.'' He said cockily.'' I mean I had better, But food is food.'' Shoto said, Much to the anger of Bakugo'' IF YOU DONT LIKE IT, WHY DONT YOU MAKE SOME YOURSELF, OH THATS RIGHT, YOU CANT FUCKING COOK, YOU CANDY CANE MOTHER FUCKING.'' Please refrain from such langues. It's vile, and not acceptable at the dinner table.'' Ida scolded Bakugo, Who just angrily ate his food.

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