Trying to pass the exam

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=======With Bakugo's group==========

Bakugo kept an eye out as he noticed his group was getting slack.'' BAD LUCK FOR YOU LOSERS.'' a Voice said from a nearby hill, Bakugo scowled as he saw his face.'' why think that bitch, I can easily kill you.'' Hehe, Me maybe.'' As he said this, Two people jumped up, Covered in rock, using their surroundings perfectly to hide. Denki, Ida, Mina, and Nemuri were all shocked and screamed at Bakugo to dodge, Believing that the two guys that just popped up with their balls in hand would kick him out.

But Bakugo had already seen and moved. Quickly he raised both his wrist, Aiming them right at center mass for both of them, With a medium-sized explosion, Both of them were shot back'' Oh damn, guys that dragon bullshit did more than I thought'' Bakugo said with a sick smirk. Both were slammed back nearly a dozen feet. Only to rag doll an extra dozen feet.'' RACOON EYES, TAKE THEM. NOW LEADER BITCH, PREPARE TO DAY AND BE LEFTOVERS'' Bakugo ordered. He moved his hands to his back. And with a small jump, His momentum from the explosion, shot him forward, Instantly reaching the so-called leader, Only for Bakugo's knee to phase through him.

'' HE SEEMS TO BE AN ILLUSION, WE SHOULD BE AWARE.'' Ida called out as he lost Bakugo from his sight.'' Oh no.'' Mina jumped forward. Barely dodging a red ball. Using her skill in dancing. She was able to get her hands under herself and land with a cartwheel.'' You are outnumbered, You are a fool for being here, You are already defeated.'' A voice spoke, It bounced around the area, Multiple voices were around the area.'' PURPLE GET AWAY FROM THE FUCKING GROUP, REST, BACK TO BACK.'' Bakugo ordered. Nemuri understood why. She sprinted away from the group.'' the preditor, happily takes the one that strays from the pack.''

The voice called out. Only for two to jump out. One that looked just like an orange house cat, And one that seemed like a bird. They jumped out from the shadows that had crept around. They sprang toward Nemuri. They believed they would end up easily defeating the poor scared girl that ran away. Yet they quickly found out, They had the wrong person.'' NOW'' Bakugo ordered. He stood in between Nemuri and The group. His hands crossed in front of him. 

As Nemuri forced her quirk out. She exploded in a large cloud of pink miss, easily covering the area. As the gas quickly crossed the area, Bakugo acted. Moved his arms back, swiping them wide, Yet firing off multiple explosions at the same time. Causing the gas to be forced around them, affecting the rest of the possible students hiding in the shadows.'' I believe it's the time to strike.'' Ida spoke as he started running. He first sprinted straight, Almost fleeing from the area, He needed to build his speed.'' THEY ARE IN FOR A SHOCK.'' Denki yelled out as he laughed. 

He stabbed both his arms forward, Trying to direct the electricity in some way, Using a low amount so as to not go completely brain-dead. Mina herself started sending small bits of acid on her feet, The bottom of her shoes quickly being coated in a thick material, Which she used in order to skate around.'' THERE ARE FOUR ON THE LEFT SIDE OF THE FIELD.'' Ida called out as he sprinted that way. Going shoulder first within the group. It caused one to be slammed away, easily being flicked into the area the others were, 

'' auh dammit, that fucking hurt.'' He said clutching his arm. Ida's force felt as if it almost broke his arm'' SO WILL THIS, NOW DIE'' Bakugo grabbed the man's face, His fingers digging into his flesh, Before sending a single large explosion down on his face, slamming his head down in the dirt and knocking him out.'' THEY ARE GETTING LUCKY, JUST WHOOP THEM.'' It's gonna be a shock to know, UA students are for real'' Denki said, He just reached the final three. They looked at him with fear, None could react fast enough as they had been running away from Ida and Nemuri's gas, and still had to worry about Bakugo.'' nooooo'' They all screamed as electricity covered them, shocking them to their core, and crashing them.

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