Eri's arrival.

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As Izuku stepped out of the subway, He smiled as he noticed his dad standing there waiting for him. Aizawa greeted him back with a smile and a small nodd. Izuku had Eri right on his chest. His right arm was placed below Eri. She used it as a chair. Izuku's left arm was softly going over her back. Soothing her as the subway was slightly packed.'' Eri, this is my dad. Dad, this is Eri.'' Hey.'' Aizawa said cocking his head slightly toward the side. Eri peered her out from Izuku for a second before hiding her face again.

Clearly still scared.'' Dont worry Eri. He is a hero like me. He even saved me before. He is a great person.'' As Izuku shared his words of trust, Eri looked again. Her hand went up as she waved at Aizawa who returned the gesture. Both softly kept walking back toward UA. The walk was done in silence. Aizawa of course had questions. But they revolved around those that had Eri before. and he was not going to ask where the girl was. It could cause her to panic and then no longer trust those she had begun to trust.

As they arrived at UA. Izuku first brought Eri toward Recovery Girl. To make sure she was in full health. Thankfully due to the late time, the school was mostly empty, apart from teachers staying late finishing their work. So Izuku avoided weird stares. As he stepped into the nurse's office he smiled. Recovery Girl had already prepared most of the things she would need.'' Eri?'' hu?'' Eri responded softly.'' I need to sit you down for a little okay? We need to make sure you are healthy.'' Izuku said softly'' no, I don't want to leave'' I will be right here Eri, Dont worry.'' 

Eri agreed, Yet she remained fearful. Izuku had placed her on the chair and remained nearby. Aizawa stayed at the door. making sure it wasn't just opened randomly.'' Hello sweety.'' Recovery Girl spoke with a kind and calming voice.'' I am Chiyo, who might you be.'' eri.'' She returned in the softest voice. Barely a whisper.'' Nice to meet you Eri. Can I do some tests? I will try my best to make sure they don't hurt at all.'' Recovery girl went and acted as quickly and carefully as she could as Eri nodded.

Almost as if she already knew the process, Eri stuck her arms out. Recovery with a small cloth applied some local anesthetic to her arm. This confused Eri slightly but she remained silent. As she saw Recovery Girl grab the needle. She closed her eyes tightly. preparing herself for the pain that was about to come, Yet it never happened. A small pressure but no pain. She opened her eyes and saw the needle was already in. Eri's mouth went open in surprise. With Overhaul it always hurt a lot. Multiple times in a row.

Eri had no clue why that would be so different, unlike Recovery Girl. Overhaul had no clue what he was doing. He struggled to find and correctly hit veins. Plus he never numbed the area.'' Now there we go, plenty of things to test. Now Eri can you say AAA'' Chiyo asked with Eri's nod as she opened her mouth as wide as she could. Checking out the teeth, Chiyo was glad they were okay.'' Now do you know what this is?'' Eri looked at the weird thing Chiyo held. She shook her head before looking at Izuku who kept a smile on his face.

'' We use this to see how warm you are. So you to place this part.'' She pointed toward the front part of the thermostat. And place this under your tongue for a little bit, can you do that.'' Eri nodded. She had never done this before. But Eri followed what Recovery Girl said.'' Okay, thank you, sweety. Now I need to check your heart, But I am gonna have to touch you. don't be scared.'' Eri simply nodded her head. Izuku did not seem to mind Recovery Girl so she would have to be nice.

Chiya used her stethoscope and placed it against Eri's chest. She listened to the sound that the heart made. Eri whinced slightly at the very cold metal. Once again the stethoscope was placed against her back. This time Recovery Girl listened toward the longs. And Recovery Girl started getting confused. Using her hands now. Recovery Girl went around and felt Eri's body.'' Hmm, strange.'' Recovery Girl sputtered out. She shook herself as she let it slip.'' what is strange?'' Izuku quickly asked. worried something might be wrong.'' is there something wrong. is she sick, malnourished?'' Izuku quickly asked. But Recovery Girl shook her head.

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