Feelings emerging.

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Live writing the next chapter of MoM and then gaming, Join the chaos

For the first time in around 8 years, Mitsuki was waiting outside of school again. But thanks to Trafick she was unable to reach UA before Izuku left, Even Katsuki had left so they were left out like Idiots, But now She had made sure she would be at UA before anyone else, She would meet up with Izuku. Masaru stood beside his wife, enjoying a cup of warm coffee as they waited. Much to his enjoyment Mitsuki had agreed to head out for food afterward like a family.

They still did so around every month, But they always ordered to go, Mostly because his wife and son would get into a screaming match, Which would disturb the entire restaurant and they would leave either out of embarrassment or because they were asked to leave, But Mitsuki had acted strangely nice, The idea of her old friend coming back possibly having a great effect on her. But they heard the bell rung. Mitsuki waited happily. Wanting to know how her friend was doing. It took a couple of minutes, But Mitsuki quickly recognized her son walking out as one of the first ones out.

Bakugo also quickly recognized his mother. He blinked to make sure he was not seeing things.'' What the fuck are you two doing here.'' Masaru smiled as he spoke.'' Your mother wanted to see an old friend.'' So what the fuck does that matter with me.'' izuku.'' Mitsuki said in an almost silent voice as she saw him. His green hair was the exact same color as his mother's. His eyes were a copy of hers. It was ridiculous. as of looking at a male copy of her friend. a younger male copy.'' Excuse me?'' Izuku said not really recognizing the woman right now.'' Izuku.''

Overcome with emotion, Mitsuki rushed to Izuku and hugged him tightly. Izuku just raised his arms as everyone was confused, Bakugo, Hitoshi, Izuku himself, everyone was confused as to why this woman was hugging him.'' Excuse me Ma'am, But do I know who you are?'' Mitsuki raised her head, Her face covered in tears.'' It's me, Mitsuki, I knew your mother, I knew you. When you were five.'' Izuku blinked. Unsure for a second before everything made sense and it all rushed back to him. Masaru pulled Mitsuki back a little bit.'' Sorry, I understand it might be a bit much for you aswell''

'' We lived in the same street as your mother. We were good friends with her, But one day she left.'' What the fuck are you two talking about, I can't remember this extra.'' Katsuki, Watch your tone. Please. If it wouldn't be too much for you, Could you please tell your mother, We would love it if the both of you would join us for dinner?'' I mean I wouldn't mind asking, But my mother did marry, This is my brother.'' Izuku pointed at Hitoshi who looked a little awkward at this encounter.

''Doesn't matter, You are all more than welcomed, Just please ask if it's alright for this weekend, I feel there are plenty of things to discuss between ourselves.'' Izuku just nodded. Masaru walks away holding onto both Mitsuki and Katsuki to stop them from going back out breaking out in curse words. On the train ride home, Izuku was trying to really think about who the Bakugos were. Did the annoying feeling he had with Bakugo stem from something in the past? Was there stuff Izuku repressed and tried forgetting? He wasn't sure but he wanted to be sure.


'' Nana cheer up, You did well and fought with honor, Staying sad about it forever has no use. You lost it's not the end of the world.'' Toshi said to Nana, While he had expected her to be annoyed by her loss. But she was still down in the dumps the day after.'' Is it that he is a dragon quirk? I understand that there is a sting to losing to someone like that, But we must both remember, He is not like the stereotype we have of them.'' I know It's not that, It, I mean just, I don't really know, RAAHH.'' Nana yelled in frustration as she pressed her face into the pillow.

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