Two more try to pass

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------- With Ryuko's team-----

As the three students ran up to team Ryuko they were shocked.'' Damn, Here we thought you were alone, But you got a lizard backing you. Traitor teaming up with villains is never what a hero should do.'' Reiko's face had not changed, but Momo, Kyoka, And Himiko's face did. '' And a hero should never judge someone's appearance, Thankfully we aren't heroes yet,'' Ryuko said with a soft smile as she took a step forward. All three instantly took a step back in fear.'' Don't back down now, This is enough points for one of you to pass is it not.'' Ryuko said opening her arms wide, showing off her targets.

'' Oh, I guess I shall then.'' You shall die.'' A neutral tone said from behind the leader. As he turned around he felt a sharp point pressed right against his neck, stopping his head from fully turning, But he still noticed his two teammates passed out on the floor.'' Move and I will press this knife deep in your artery, even if heroes showed up right away, they could not save you.'' The leader instantly broke character, tears running down his face, he peed his pants as he started to cry for forgiveness.

Both Momo and Kyoka stepped out, Each taking a single point together with Reiko. Himiko dropped the crying man, for him to see it was only a sharp nail that was pressed against his neck. By a small girl. This only humiliated the man more. But with that the team was able to keep walking, searching for more points. Right now Kyoka, Momo, and Reiko all had one out of the two points required. Both Himiko and Ryuko still needed all their points, but just like before, Reiko started to float upwards, scouting the area for them.

'' I have located an enemy force fitting for us to take down.'' Reiko stated as she floated down.'' Oh, that is great, where and how many'' Momo asked trying to come up with a fitting battle plan.'' We need 7 total points, This would be a 10-man team.'' Good, in case some run away we should still have enough.'' Yes, They are also entering the residential area, a lot of small houses and buildings for them to hide in.'' And for Kyoka to locate, Great spot Reiko.'' Momo said with a big smile as she started to plan.

'' HELLLLLLOOOOO, ANYONE HERE, I AM JUST A  SWEET SMALL GIRL SCARED AND TRYING TO HIDE,'' Himiko lied, but this was the plan that Momo came up with. Kyoka who stood on the outside instantly was able to hear the shuffles and whispers, each one causing the tiniest of vibrations in the ground. Allowing her to hear them and find each person. Calling that out to Momo who had made a small map.'' I shall walk around then.'' Ryuko saw where a large force stood waiting, an overall great spot, Their backs against a wall, forcing the enemy to show up at the front.

But Ryuko never planned to use a door'' I am in location.'' Momo smiled as she nodded toward Himiko. She started skipping around.'' Let's do what we do best.'' Kyoka said standing up and walking in. Reiko and Momo follow along. The girls quickly met up with Himiko as they went right for the group. Kyoka heard the worry. Their heartbeats sped up, Some walked back and forth, They were not expecting the be found. They would most likely wait out until the final moments, No announcements were made yet, so there were still a lot of spots open.

'' Come out and play with us,'' Himiko spoke, her voice sounding slightly crazed and dangerous. Her eyes are wide yet empty. It caused the one looking out to nearly piss himself.'' Guess not.'' Himiko pouted only for Momo to speak,'' Then we enter.'' Yet they took no step, Instead, this was the signal for Ryuko. On the outside of the wall, Ryuko stood, She transformed, Her hands turned scaly and claw-like. Her nails grew thick and long, as her skin grew scales that overlapped like chainmail. And within seconds Ryuko stood in her hybrid form.

As she put force behind her feet, The earth cracked under her might, Ryuko dashed forthwith her hands clutched tightly as she threw her fist at the wall. The extreme might that was Ryuko easily crushed and broke the wall. As it imploded and fell inward, Ryuko passed through the dust and small chunks of earth, Her dragonic face was the first thing they saw. The 10 students screamed. Terrified of meeting one of the dragons of UA. The exact reason they were hiding. Hoping the dragon would pass or get eliminated early on, But here one of them was.

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