Eating your fill

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Everyone had gotten their stuff out of the Bus, and the group was split into 2 groups. The guys and the girls. The guys were following Tiger while the ladies followed Ragdoll.'' LISTEN UP MAGGOTS, YOU WILL HAVE A TOTAL OF 4 BUILDINGS IN YOUR GROUP. FIGURE OUT WHO GOES WHERE YOURSELF, I WANT NO LOUD NOISES AFTER BEDTIME, WAKE UP TIME IS 7 NOT A SECOND LATER AM I UNDERSTOOD.'' Tiger spoke fast, loud, and honest. And the group responded just the same.'' SIR YES SIR.'' GOOD NOW GET TO UNPACKING. EXPLORE A LITTLE IF YOU WANT, DINNER WILL BE READY IN 2 HOURS.'' 

'' So girls, If you see here, this is the way to the hot springs, Which has 2 sides, guys and girls, Please even if you are dating keep to your correct side. Dont want any problems with that stuff, Now then, it will get dark at night with these trees, but a flashlight should solve that problem. here are your buildings, there are four total rooms, But you don't have to use all of them. Now then. The wake-up time is 7. If you don't wake up, Tiger will wake you up and he does so with water.'' Ragdoll explained sweetly.

This was all old news to the 8 people that had already been her once before. Setsuna even hid behind Momo the entire time Because she fully remembered what kind of insane chaotic monster genius Ragdoll was. That woman was to be feared.'' Now then, unpack your items, toilets are in the bunks, Back at the main area there will be where we eat. It should be done in 2 hours or so. Till then.'' Ragdoll waved before skipping away. happy as can be and seemingly so innocent.

As the girls began to unpack, they still had to make sure Izuku kept eating. It would be 6 hours since Izuku got filled and that was not enough time. Thankfully they had plenty of snacks.'' Are we gonna stuff ourselves into one room or ?'' Momo asked unsure how they were going. While it would be possible to stuff themselves, it would be pretty weird and cramp.'' I say 2 buildings split. that way we still have room. And hell we can just sleep inside and talk outside right? Maybe even set up a small fire or something in front to talk.'' Kendo suggested.

The guys were easier. They just planned on sleeping there so it was just give each enough room and done. The girls chose to see who wanted to sleep next to whom and who would take what room. It was a hassle. But even in the end. They got their rooms set up and fed Izuku a bunch. The guys had been doing that from the start. Snacks, drinks. Izuku should have been stuffed. But as the two hours passed. everyone was called to the main area. Picnic tables were set up with plates and drinks. As the pussy cats explained.

'' Now Kittens. Every time we have new guests. We do a little game. Each game has to have its own little price. Now for this game, it's all you can eat. We have a bunch of curry here, with a bunch of rice. The person that eats the most. Based on the number of trips we see them take, win. what do they win you ask. The winner has to do no chores. No cleaning the hot springs, No chopping firewood. No cooking, No cleaning dishes. Nothing at all.'' Mandalay explained with Izuku's eyes going wide.'' REALLY THAT'S WHY EVERYONE HAS BEEN FEEDING ME.'' Izuku said with his jaw on the floor.

The group tried holding back their laughter. but they failed. most exploded in laughter as Izuku felt betrayed, Even Aizawa cracked a smile at the action. He understood tho. Izuku was a blackhole. He still remembered the time they were thrown out of an all-you-can-eat restaurant because Izuku ate so much food. Plus Izuku was great at chores. Then again he was good at alot. So teaming up to win was smart.'' Oh, I am eating everything now.'' Izuku said getting a fire in his belly to defeat everyone in his eating competition.

'' Hold up Kitty, There are rules aswell. Rule one. No stalling. If you have leftover food on your plate without taking a bite for a bit, you are out. Rule two, No throwing up. That's yucky and weird to eat again. Rule three is no throwing food away. We fill up your plates. Now for drinks, we have water, syrup, and Sake. Please don't get drunk.'' Mandalay explained remembering a group before where they had one guy get wasted on sake who then was hungover for the entire week.

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