Working out before the sports festival

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The class sat waiting for Aizawa to show up, looking around as some of the spaces that were normally filled were now empty, But Perhaps they were late, or maybe they were in talks with Aizawa. But as the door opened and Aizawa walked in, Only Aizawa got confused.'' Sit down I got stuff to talk about.'' Aizawa said placing a paper down in front of him.'' As you can see some of the students are gone, Because well they weren't cut out for being a hero, Shoda, Koda, And Shoji left UA. Being in the same class as a dragon user and the attack being the reason they left.''

Aizawa didnt hide the fact they left.'' But sir what about Midoriya.'' Nejire asked seeing that his seat was also empty.'' Midoriya didnt leave, He, however, took some time off, From my understanding, He will be back by the time the sports festival will happen, But enough of that, I understand that the USJ was scary, But unlike those that quiet, I hope you all use that fear and strengthen your will with it, Don't let that fear control your actions and use it as fuel.

School started like normal, But for the students, it felt weird, The teachers all acted a little different, perhaps because they felt like they had failed, Perhaps it was because they were still worried for all the students, But it felt off, Something else that just felt odd was the fact that all the students felt the whole created by those that left and Izuku. For some, it was as easy as not having to lean to the side to look at the teacher, But for others, it was bigger than not having that one person to ask for help next to them.

But then it was lunch, The group found their table, But now more people had joined their table.'' Hey Hatsume, I have to ask cause it's been bothering me since we started here at UA, Do I know you from somewhere.'' Mei just looked up from her notebook, the one she was scrabbling crazy ideas in.'' Oh yeah, I like gave Midoriya CPR.'' She offhandedly said before shoveling a big bite of rice into her mouth. This stopped the group however from eating. '' WAIT THAT WAS YOU.'' Nemuri screamed, remembering the incident.'' SILENCE NEM.'' Rumi whisper and yelled at Nemuri as she threw her hand on the woman's lips.

'' Yeah, why.'' I am lost.'' Yui asked with Mei explaining it as if was just basic math homework.''  A bit ago, I was walking about and heard a boom go off, and so I look and see this dude on the floor with them all looking shocked, so I just did some CPR, and yeah.'' You didnt just did some CPR, You saved his life. How can I ever thank you.'' Hitoshi asked, with Mei just shrugging, '' Can you like get your dad to sign off on some lab time.'' 

Mei was a simple woman, She wanted only a few things, She wanted to create her gadgets, or as she liked to call them, Her babies, She also wanted to be the first hero that used her own gadgets in battle. But so far she had very limited luck with creating new babies at UA because the lab was restricted for those in the support course. She tried going around this by requesting to be in both the hero course and the support course, But that was not something they were okay with doing for some reason.

'' Sure, I will see what I can do,'' Hitoshi said, He had some chips to play on his father, and I mean as a sign of appreciation to the woman that saved his son's life, It was not that big of a request.'' Weird that you know CPR, Didn't expect that from you.'' Mei laughed at Setsuna's words, '' when I was 9 I tried making a life-saving robot, Like one that could do it all, But it didnt work, but to make it I had to learn CPR and stuff,'' Why didnt it work?'' Ryuko asked

'' Oh, it crushed the dummy I was using before it exploded.'' Lunch was a little awkward after that but the friend group grow, After the classes, They had a free period which the group chose to use to train. Right now they had divided themselves to accomplish their own goals. Shinso was together with Nemuri, Setsuna, Tokoyami, Nejire, Himiko, Kyoka, and Jozu. They were on the mats, perfecting their fighting skills as they would need them in the final rounds of the sports festival. But on the other side, Ochaco, Rumi, Ryuko, Mei, Shishida, Mina, and Yui were at the weights.

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