Izuku's exam

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'' So what is our plan?'' Awase asked. His team was weird. They only had one real fighter with Izuku. He was most likely gonna face whoever it is on his own as the rest can't really compete with them. Then you had Mei, Toru, and Kyoka who are all none fighters. They if anything would be classified as support or rescue heroes. and then Awase, while he has some fighting skills. With his welding quirk. he wasn't gonna really do much against people like All Might or anyone in the top 10.

'' Well, it depended on who we get. But I will fight them alone.'' Izuku said as she stretched his arms and legs. He was gonna have to go beyond plus ultra for this one, But then again he did give the okay to be beaten to near death.'' Izuku, I know you're strong, But you really think you can take down a pro hero alone.'' Izuku smiled. it gave a boost of confidence to those around him.'' Oh no, I will 100% get my ass kicked. But me winning is not the plan. I will try and keep him as busy as I can. While you four. Either escape. Or you try and capture the hero with cuffs. Mei can hopefully make a cannon or something. Kyoka should be able to make sure you're not close to the fight. Toru can find the items without being spotted. and Awase can weld whatever you need together.''

While it was not the perfect plan. It was sure as shit a good one. They all nodded as they walked thru the gate. Proudly they stepped into the exam When they were met with pure dread. Waiting on them. Quirk active and burning hot. Endeavor the number 2 hero stood in front of the five students.'' Midoriya, While I appreciate what you have done for my boy. I will as Nezu asked of me, for your own, good, beat you into the floor.'' Izuku smirked.

'' I would be offended if you did anything else, sir.'' The staredown started. Endeavor glared at the students. each feeling the heat and intensity of Endeavor's power. Each felt their throats dry up as sweat began pouring out of them. the four back down with a step. Izuku however stepped forward.'' Please start the exam.'' The voice rang giving the starting signal.

'' GO NOW,'' Izuku ordered. His entire body transformed as he went into his Hybrid form. But Endeavor was also moving. pulling both his arms back. two balls of flames forming at his palms before pushing his arms out along with the two fireballs. They went right for Izuku who thru tearing his coat apart spread his wings as wide as they could. blocking the students from the flames. The two balls of flames were small. not even the size of a basketball but as they exploded the flames were everywhere. covering nearly the entire street.

Back at the viewing group, some called out in shock. The amount of flames would scar any normal person. massive flames covered the floors and they were worried for all. But with a flap of the wing, it showed Izuku as he walked thru the fire. all the other students are gone.'' You should know Endeavor. Flames like that won't work on something like me.'' Endeavor smirked at the bravado Izuku put up.'' These flames have taken down plenty of dragons boy'' He extended his arm to the side. with a small ember of a flame, it expanded turning into a spear of flames.

But now Izuku smirked'' I AINT JUST SOME DRAGON. I AM A DRAGON EMPEROR AND FLAMES CANT HURT A DRAGON EMPEROR.'' This was not a fact of life, Endeavor had taken down dozens of dragons and it never mattered if they used flames, ice, water, stone, or even wind. None could withstand the flames for long. But Endeavor nodded.'' You are not just some dragon no. You will be one of the strongest heroes in the future. BUT ONLY IN THE FUTURE, NOW YOUR JUST A BRATTY LITTLE BOY THINKING HE CAN SWIM WITH THE BIG FISH.'' Endeavor rushed Izuku spear in hand.

Izuku moved aswell. Cracking the ground and easily out speeding Endeavor. Endeavor stabbed his spear forward. Just barely Izuku got his shoulder below it. either just fast enough or he didnt want to extend as much movement. And as he got close. He could land a free shot at his midsection. Any attack could have been landed, stomach punch, liver shit. kidney blow. any was open. But instead. Izuku with both his arms, grabbed the wrist of Endeavor. His sharp claws dug into the weighted wristbands he wore.'' I WANT YOU AT YOUR STRONGEST ENDEAVOR, I need to see the distance.'' Izuku said as he clenched his hands.

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