Is it over

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The heroes all dropped to their knees. They had pushed themselves to their limits with this fight. All Might dropped to his skinny form, Unable to hide himself any longer. He deflated. His powerful muscles were gone for good as he felt the embers that were One for All leave his body for good. His entire body hurt. The fight was taking it out of him. Endeavor felt himself sweat excessively. Normally he could produce more fire, Thanks to the heat he produced now. and all the fighting he had been doing today. He was also reaching his limits.

Each hero felt it. The only ones that were considered fresh at this point were Hawks and Aizawa, But Aizawa was breathing heavily. He had sprinted as soon as he saw the location. The heroes were nearing the end of their ropes, But then. Then they heard it. A stone breaking. Each of them looked back. Then they noticed it. All For One struggling to get back up.''Y-YOU ALL THOUGHT THAT WAS ENOUGH.'' AFO spoke before blood and puke rushed out his mouth.'' You sure did a number on me, But with the strength of my son in you, What do you really expect.'' AFO said as he struggled to get on his feet.

The heroes panicked. They tried their best to get back up for the fight again.'' It seems thanks to our new addition, My dragoNic abilities and quirks are completely sealed. Still, my strength, durability, and stamina are always the same.'' Aizawa kept his quirk active, He pulled the blade on his back out.'' Kill me, But let the rest go. that's what you want right.'' Toshinori said.'' Oh no Toshinori, This won't be a heroic moment for you.  I AM GOING TO KILL EVERYONE. BUT YOU, I WILL SAVE YOU FOR LAST AFTER I KILL ALL THOSE IMPORTANT TO YOU.''

AFO yelled in rage. he had never been this mad before. these filthy animals dared to lay hands on him. His suit was ripped and broken. his body hurt, he bled.'' Oh, I don't like that idea really.'' Three new people landed on the battlefield. Right behind the heroes.'' What are you doing here.'' AFO said, a scowl on his face as he looked at the new arrivals.'' I can still kill you, old man.'' AFO said as he looked at the older man. One that Kai knew by the sound of his voice.'' RUSH, THAT'S THE DUDE I TOLD YOU ABOUT.'' The older man smiled.'' Is that young Kai? Oh hello.'' Kai had been out of the battle, too weak to try and meddle.

'' While my time of fighting has passed, If you wish to scuffle as I get all the pieces ready. I am sure my son-in-law and daughter are more than happy to keep you entertained.'' The older man said as he stood still with his cane in hand. Both Rex and Tohru stepped out,'' IF YOU ARE NOT HERE TO FIGHT THEN WHY ARE YOU HERE.'' AFO yelled again. This caused a fault in his plan.

'' Rush who are these people.'' Hawks asked quietly.'' That old man. I think he is the leader of a group of dragons. Extremely powerful, But a good guy.'' Rush told. that was all he really knew of the old man. Hell he didnt even think he would ever meet him

'' You see. I like this boy's dream. I have heard it from Kai. I was planning on trying to train him, But this moment left me no choice. So he will make a great name for himself. Please stand free. Rex, please boost his defense. Tohru darling, His stamina.'' The older man said. Both nodded'' Haas.'' The older dragon said as he looked at Izuku. AFO'S eyes went wide. He didn't like where this was going. Mentally he screamed at Kurogiri to get him. But his own damn orders worked against him here. The nearly dead Izuku took a massive breath. Almost as he was brought to life again. '' WH-WHAT - WHAT JUST HAPPENED,'' Izuku said getting back up without any problems. He felt perfectly fine.'' Your fight is not over yet.'' The older man said again. He tapped his cane on the floor.

Tohru stepped up.'' Gaan'' She said. Boosting Izuku's stamina. it went from nearly 5% to over 105%. Then Rex stepped up.'' Qah'' Armor, the highest rank of it. Izuku felt his body grow stronger. Nothing could hurt him. His body felt more durable than a bunker.'' And then finally, Sharot.'' The older man said. He used Mighty. The highest rank of strength there was. And Izuku felt it. His body felt beyond strong. He felt like he could easily defeat All Might.'' Now then Young man. It's time, you work as a hero is it not.'' Izuku didn't register the voices. He had one thing on his mind. Defeating All for One.

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