Learning more and more

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It was a good night for everyone. Izuku after 20 minutes stood up and was ready to do anything. Something slightly scary, But going to his hut. He grabbed some extra shorts. and underwear. slippers, a towel, and some shampoo. He was gonna clean himself before the hot springs. On his way there. Mandalay gave him a bottle of Sake and told him to be careful. He bowed his head before walking away. The walk was extremely calming and it got him to accept one of Kai's theories.

In between some games of Wordle, Kai gave Izuku advice. When possible. Find a place that gives you great peace and meditate. Calm yourself fully and see what you can find mentally about the dragon heart within you. He found it weird, But as he walked. his head cleared. Hearing nothing but the sounds of nature. The birds chirping. The crickets, the trees shaking in the wind. It was calm. As he walked into the hot spring. after quickly cleaning himself, he wrapped the towel around his waist, naked for the rest, before sitting in the water with the towel next to him. Leaning his head back as he enjoyed the warmth of the water and the calm of the forest.

After a minute Izuku poured himself some Sake as he sat in silence and drank. He finished half the Sake bottle before deciding he should meditate. He stepped out of the water before stretching, giving a loud sigh. His first vocal showing. Right next to him. On the other side of the hot springs. The girl side. Nana sat with her eyes wide and arms crossed over his body and the mental want to peep on Izuku. She wanted to see him in his full glory. Before punching herself hard in the face to stop herself.

The next morning started rough. Everyone was tired. They were sore from the hike and needed four more hours of sleep each. But Tiger did not care.'' GET OUT MAGGOTS GET OUT, GET OUT GET OUT.'' He screamed as loud as he could. He told them the wake-up time was 7. But now it was 5. Each one of the boys ran out in different stages of dress. Some like Ida wore an entire Pajama. night hat and all. Some like Bakugo had sweats and shirts on. Some like Kirishima had on shorts. And even those like Kaminari dressed in their underwear. However, the weirdest was Izuku.

Because he didnt walk out with them. He did come out, fully dressed from the side. Shorts. t shirt, shoes. He was already awake and dressed.'' Sorry, Sir. I went for a morning walk. I don't sleep that well in new areas.'' Izuku apologized. with Tiger not caring.'' I DIDNT TELL YOU TO SPEAK MAGGOT NOW GET IN LINE.'' Izuku quickly nodded before adding to the line.'' I WILL GIVE EACH OF YOU MAGGOTS A TOTAL OF 5 MINUTES. IN THOSE FIVE MINUTES I WANT YOU ALL DRESSED AND READY AT THE MAIN CAMP WHICH WALKING IS 5 MINUTES AWAY. AM I UNDERSTOOD.''

He was and he was not. Kaminari was confused. Did he want them to invent time travel?'' SIR YES SIR.'' They all screamed before pushing and running into their respective huts. Izuku already started following Tiger. Thankfully everyone was at camp. the latest being Kaminari who arrived with 20 seconds to spare.'' NOW GET IN A LINE. TWO LINES FACING EACH OTHER NOW DAMMIT.'' The line split. standing face to face.'' Take two large steps back and I want 50 push-ups together. Am I understood.''

Everyone dropped to the floor. Chest flat on the floor, arms next to them. Before as an entire glass, they pushed.'' THAT'S NOT 1, KIRISHIMA, I SAID WITH THE CLASS NOT BEFORE. DO IT AGAIN.'' For some that were able to push out a hundred push-ups quickly this sucked. The likes of Kyoka and Toru were not used to doing push-ups. So it took a bit. In the end. a total of 92 push-ups were done by everyone..'' NOW STAND UP AND GIVE ME 100 CLASS SQUADS. I WANT ASS TO GRASS PEOPLE, ASS TO THE FUCKING GRASS.'' Tiger ordered.

Now most believed this was the workout plan for today, But they were oh so wrong. In reality. This was the warm-up. This was what they had to do in order to get ready for the extreme workout. thankfully the squads were easier to complete. It wasn't easy but with a total of 133 squads they were done.'' WELL DONE YOU PATHETIC GROUP OF MAGGOT SHIT, YOU DID WELL, NOW GIVE ME 10 FUCKING ROUNDS ACROSS THE CAMP. IF I SEE ANYONE SLACKING, IT WILL MEAN EVERYONE WILL DO 10 MORE.'' Tiger screamed scaring the group as each of them started running.

The Hero of the Green: MidoRyuuWhere stories live. Discover now