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As the names appeared on screen again the five shared a look. The team was Tetsutetsu, Kendo, Ida, Sato, and Shishida. It was clear their strength. They all had to come in close to fight. None of them had range attacks. But that meant two things. If they found someone with only range attacks, all they had to do with to close that distance. And with Tetsutetsu with them, they could do just that. But if they were outmatched thanks to someone like All Might or Rush. They had to fight smarter, not harder.

Each of them moved into the arena slowly. Instantly looking around to see if they could see who they were facing. But Not so lucky. As the gate closed behind them. The exam started. And right off the bat, it was on. One loud bang was hard before something hit right in front of Ida's feet. They looked at the area of the bang, But they saw nothing. At least they saw nothing at first. Kendo noticed movement in the dark. A large building with loads of windows something was moving inside of it.'' THERE ITS SNIPE.'' She called out, recognizing his hat.

'' But his voice. it seems to come from everywhere.'' Well done little missy. You found out who you fighting. But knowing is only half the battle. Now what are you going to do.'' Three more bangs were heard. And unlike last time, these connected. Kendo's back of her right hand. Sato's upper left leg. And Shishida's right shoulder. Very random locations of one of if not the most precise shots in Japan. They kept eyes on the building but he had fled. In that split second they closed their eyes cause of the loud bang, A human reaction he got out. Where he was now, they had no idea.

Now Snipe was playing range. Because while they might have the upper hand in close combat. Snipe was a god at long range. He wasn't gonna let them close the distance that easily. But most importantly. Snipe was going to insult them. He wasn't gonna fight a team, No Snipe's entire plan was to just fight five teams of 1. instead of 1 team of 5.'' Yall boys should leave that dead weight in the girl behind. She will only hold you back. Then again. With Tetsutetsu's IQ, are you really gonna get far?''

His first shot was not a warning. It was a special speaker bullet.'' If I was Ida, I would cut my losses and run away. Then again how you all trust him after his stunt with Stain is beyond me.'' While Snipe was not a fan of insulting his students. And he kinda hated himself for it. Each of them had a strong personality that didnt really liked when they or their friends were insulted which caused them to act rashly.'' Then again Sato doesn't really wanna be here do you, big fella? I have noticed the extra pounds you gained Quirk training.'' Sato looked down in shame as he poked his own belly. He was by no way fat and some fat he was gonna have thanks to the sugar. But this was all a mental game.

And he was winning it. They had split up ever so slightly but. Like a mother, Kendo smacked all of them.'' He is trying to split us up. We must stay focused and together.'' She tried rallying them'' Oh Kendo taking control. I mean what do you really expect, She can't trust the others with anything now can she.'' Snipe fired 4 rounds, and they were stuck because of mental warfare.'' TEAMING UP IS MANLY LET'S KICK HIS ASS.''

Snipe had won. The match wasn't over, But he already knew he would win. Because they were gonna fight him. So Snipe did as any smart fighter would. He popped up in the corner. Further away from the gate, he just fired 10 rounds of rubber bullets. He of course acted slow. they saw him from a mile away. And Tetsutetsu jumped and blocked the shots. Then he stumbled on his reload as one of his magazines fell to the floor. He cussed and the students smiled. they rushed him. The fools.

they should have realized it was a trap. Snipe could fire a gun forward. twist the bullet mid-air and hit someone behind him. Snipe could reload bullets with his eyes closed, and hands tied behind his back while upside down. He was putting on a play. He was in a confined space. On top of a roof. he was going to fight them close range. While he wasn't known for his Close combat. He was still a pro-hero. A veteran in the business. and when they kicked that door in they would realize.

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