First part of the second event

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Izuku and his group smiled as they finally made it toward the waiting room'' Do you think everyone has already passed?'' Toru asked as she pulled the door open. To her surprise, most of everyone stood inside. Each basically removes their tags, showing they only recently entered inside.'' Ah, I FUCKING KNEW I WOULD BE FASTER.'' Rumi screamed loudly. One of her proudest accomplishments if her mannerisms at the moment were anything to go by. What everyone apart from her group didn't know was that she sprinted toward the waiting room. The only group that was faster was Setsuna's group.

'' Wow, you all made it, Nice'' Izuku said as he removed his buff from them, gaining some of his strength back.'' I didn't even need that bullshit power. We had no problem whatsoever.'' Bakugo said with Izuku just walking past with a thumbs up.'' Here bro, Just scan your tag, and it drops off. Might not work every time.'' As Kirishima said this final thing. Tsuyu shot her tongue out wrapping Mei around her waist, stopping her from rushing toward it to break it.'' But I CAN FIX IT.'' Mei whined with Izuku looking'' So can I.'' Everyone looked shocked, having no idea Izuku had apparently been a tech wiz. Only for him to wipe the screen on his pants.

'' Beep, Beep, Beep'' Instantly all three tags fell off, leaving most of the students stunned. Only for Bakugo to smack Kirishima on the head'' YOU SHITTY HAIRED ROCK, YOU SAID YOU TRIED THAT ALREADY'' I thought I did okay.'' Kirishima responded, feeling less manly as he lied without knowing.'' Anyone already got an idea what is next?'' Momo shook her head.'' We have been trying to figure that out as a collective. The best we could assume with this area is maybe more of the rescue area. The surroundings are very similar to the USJ.'' Good spot, That could indeed be the case.'' Izuku praised Momo.

They sat calmly for the rest. Izuku took his time to watch the multiple screens, Trying to figure out what everyone was up to. With Momo's idea, He also believed it would be best to then get a lay of the land. see how the areas look and hopefully help choose which area who go at.'' What you thinking'' Nana asked as she stood next to Izuku.

'' Just some ideas for whatever is next.'' He said still looking at the screen.'' You think teams again or one solid group.'' Unsure. If it will indeed be hero work. Splitting up in the smallest groups possible would be smartest, Of course working together, But the more split out we are, the better the chances are.'' Hero work?'' Nana asked.'' I agree with everyone saying the main focus has to be rescue, We have already fought. But it would to simple that way. I feel they have something up their sleeves'' Yeah, I know what you mean. I just hope it's not one of the higher-ranked heroes.'' Nana said with an awkward giggle.

'' THERE ARE ONLY 20 SLOTS LEFT OVER, FINISH UP, I'M TIRED''The announcer spoke through the speaker'' Really sounds like Aizawa's twin brother.'' Mina said much to the group's laughter'' Oi, Can you keep it down, We are at least taking this seriously.'' Izuku turned to see who was having a problem. He noticed the same guy that had entered first, talking with a group. But the one that had been causing a scene was one of the newest people in the room.

The same group that used vibrations to try and harm the arms.'' So are we, But everyone is talking. We will try and maintain the room volume sorry'' Izuku spoke for Mina. She mostly was just very confused about the whole scene. They had not even been the loudest in the room.'' Ignore the fucker, He is using it to fuck with us. Loser bitch, can't handle talking.'' Rumi rolled her eyes, sawing through the bullshit instantly. If Izuku had not stepped in, she would have chewed the motherfucker out like an old piece of gum'' Seems we don't have the exam only to worry about.'' Ryuko said. It seemed that this person might have had it out for dragons.

Izuku was not surprised, The 150 slots they had, Nearly 50 were just UA. But from the others most had been eyeing both Ryuko and Izuku.'' I doubt they will try anything, But keep your eyes open.'' Ryuko nodded. They had more time to spend as it took nearly 30 minutes for the final slots to be filled.'' FINALLY, ALL THE SPOTS ARE FILLED, ALL 150 STUDENTS THAT COULD PASS HAVE PASSED.'' This stopped all the fighting, there was no use of it anymore. Some cried, Some screamed in rage, and for some, this was one of their final chances.

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