Unresolved issues

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Izuku moved to class quickly, He seemingly had a plan for today. so getting back to class, being one of the first ones, and sat down in his chair where he waited. '' Now to wait and read behavior.'' Which was what he did, He needed to see how they reacted to him. But he was glad, his asshole self could leave. he didnt enjoy being one. His group of course reacted like normal. They smiled and waved at him. It was normal. But he was interested in the behavior of others.

Most either ignored his presence or glared at him., Again to be expected, Then to his surprise, there was also a group that didnt glare or anything. They all just walked in and sat down. which made it easier for Izuku. Finally, Nejire walked in and gave him a smile. But now Izuku had to deal with the most difficult problem. While the students disliked him for mostly learned hate. But they could have dealt with Dragon quirks and held a hatred for a reason, Which made it harder, but not impossible. First, it was their second Homeroom teacher Vlad King.

As Vlad walked in, Izuku could see the irritation on his face, At first, Izuku wasn't sure if it was anger toward him or the fact he was a teacher and this was his style.'' I am not here to be your friend, I am just here to get you in hero shape.'' as he said this he looked right at Izuku. That would be needing to change, Vlad disliked him. Vlad explained a little bit about how his class would run. And he was not one for nonsense. But with that, he walked out allowing the next teacher to show up in their own time.

Which was Present Mic. Who had a big smile on his face.'' YO YO YO KIDDOS, ITS THE REALEST TEACHER IN THE BUILDING.'' Present Mic said with a toon.'' Izuku liked Present Mic. Present Mic didnt hate him, He smiled the entire way in the class.'' Yo, I am gonna be teaching your grammar and shiiiii, Cause you know I got them bars, Call me a dictionary because I know it all.'' His energy did lift the room up after the slightly grumpy Vlad King.'' Now I am more than happy to chill like we took a pill, But we still gotta rep UA ''

Present Mic walked out allowing the next teachers to show up. It was around 50/50 for hate and love. Until The last one. Izuku could hear him showing up. with a rush of speed and power the door was opened and in ran All Might, The wind rushing in the room and pushing back the hair of the students.'' HAHAHA, I AM HERE AS YOUR HEROICS TEACHER.'' All Might said as most of the students smiled back with excitement. His untouchable smile nearly faltered for a millisecond as his eyes ran over Izuku.

'' OH MY GOD, ALL MIGHT IS OUR TEACHER.'' Kaminari cheered. one of the excited students. For most this was one of the biggest things in the world. All Might is one of the most loved and powerful heroes in Japan. He had been a hero since they were younger and still at the top of his game.'' HELLO YOUNG STUDENTS.'' All Might said with a smile, his loud tone silencing down mostly everyone, even irritating the hearing of those close to him and those with improved hearing. But he lowered his tone as he continued to talk.

'' I will be teaching, you all what it takes to be a hero.'' Izuku had to scuff at that. something All Might picked up and planned to squeeze right away.'' Something enjoyable Mister Midoriya.'' Not really, Just weird you teach Heroics. You dont really follow the law, you follow the Media.'' All might leaned forward.'' And what does someone like YOU know about heroics.'' I know a hero should save everyone equally, I know fighting should be the last means instead of the first try.'' All Might grumbled a bit before shaking his head.'' Which is what I am about, But no matter for now, ''

'' You will fight thru your first year, Most heroes are in fact needed to fight, No matter what our dragon Pacifist said. Villians fight, They kill, And if you dont fight back, They will kill you if given a chance.'' All Might said mostly directed purely at Izuku.'' But more of that tomorrow, As we will have our first lesson together, But that is for later, For now, You can have the rest of the day off.'' All Might dashed out of the room. Leaving the students alone, with most picking their stuff up. Izuku however was stopped by Nana glaring at him.

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