The second part of the race

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The robot landed on the group and quickly pinned them under the air barrier, But even that wasn't going to hold for long. They needed to find a way to move and they had to right now. But then their savior came. The rest of the women showed up. Uraraka arrived first and touched the robot, making as much as possible as light as a feather. But she wasn't alone. Kendo and Shiosaki. Kendo moved down as low as she could before growing both her hands as large as they could lift up as much weight as she could and the same did Shiosaki only she used her vines to create an area for them to run.

'' OH, IT SEEMS THAT THE HERO CLASS IS WORKING TOGETHER.'' Present Mic gave commentary as everything happened.'' WHILE THEY ARE STRUGGLING AGAINST THE CHAOS THAT HAPPENED IT SEEMS THAT BOTH BAKUGO AND TODOROKI ARE HOT ON THE TAIL OF MIDORIYA, Will they catch up or even pass the man in the lead?'' the three girls were also chasing after Izuku. who had not slowed down a bit. so he showed up at the third event. they were just seeing the second even up ahead.

'' OH MIDORIYA HAS ALREADY MADE IT AT THE MINEFIELD, YOU BETTER WATCH YOUR STEP BECAUSE THEY ARE LOUD AND WILL KNOCK YOU ON YOUR ASS.'' Izuku could have just flown above it, It wasn't that long and he was pretty sure he could make it in 30 seconds or less. But that still wouldn't show much. He had to make a statement and something came to mind. He smirked as he ripped the shirt off his back, Showing everyone the absolutely massive dragon tattoo they had only seen parts from.

'' OH LOOK AT MY BABY,'' Inko screamed at the TV, She had joined all the free families and started watching the sports festival together so they could cheer for their kids and friends.'' Damn never saw it like that. It's a pretty big statement.'' Chichi said as Izuku threw off his shirt and he cracked his back.'' Oh, where is Mina, She better not be slacking off.'' Mina's mother asked but they noticed her with the other girls at the back helping Hitoshi and their group. But they were moving quickly but they had a group of around 15 people working together now.

'' CYA LATER LOSERS,'' Rumi said as he used her strong rabbit legs to easily jump from pillar to pillar. as she reached the other side for a show of good sportsmanship, She flipped them all the middle finger and began running. Bakugo was growling as he followed her shortly after, His explosions helping him jump. But Ryuko and Todoroki were falling back. Nana just used float to jump over pillars. It was slower than both Bakugo and Rumi but it got the job done. Ryuko however had to crawl over the ropes. She still had no wings and the gaps were too large to jump safely.

Todoroki however had stopped to think. He came up with an idea that might make up for lost time, Instead of overheating himself by propelling himself over it with fire, He created a small ice bridge, Before turning around and using fire to melt the bridge down, This allowed him to bypass the set routes the ropes made for everyone and could pick the fastest path from pillar to pillar. '' Okay, let's set an example,'' Izuku said to himself as he took the first step. He slammed his foot down with enough force to crack the earth. His legs were covered in dragon scales.

He stepped right on a landmine, The force causing others around him to explode in a large pink mist explosion.'' WOW, IT SEEMS THAT HIS EXCITEMENT CAUSED HIM TO MESS UP AS MIDORIYA GETS A FACE FULL OF BOOM BOOM.'' This for the first time caused cheers for Izuku. Sure they were cheers that he hopefully got hurt but Izuku was smirking as the mist went away, He could take them all day. So he did. Covering himself with more scales He started running around the entire field taking each and every mine for himself.

The symphony of explosions was heard without speakers by everyone in the area. The entire area was covered in a pink mist, unable to see anything it caused some shock around the arena at what just had happened. With a  laugh and a gust of wind, Izuku used dragonic wings to blow away the mist, Showing he was standing in the middle of a crater, and while he was covered in scratches and some dirt, It was nothing, He was fine, and loving it.  While to your average enjoyed this was an idiotic move. to some of the well-respected pro heroes, this made them smile.

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