Living Peacefully

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As Inko sat in the house of the Aizawa's drinking coffee with Chichi, AA, Mika, and one of the newest members.Lilith Kayama.'' Ink, I can't believe little Izu has already started talking about what he will do when he is 18, He is just barely 8.'' Chichi laughed with Inko nodding her head.'' He really is determent to become a hero, But I don't know if I should let him, Just with all the hate and pain we have to sit thru, at least here we are sheltered from it, But out there, He will be seen as one.''

AA gave her friend a soft push,'' Don't worry so much, Izuku will be loved, I mean he is an absolute sweetheart, Oh and such a cute little face.'' AA laughed as they looked out in the garden, Where Izuku was playing with his group of friends, focusing on making Nemuri, the most recent arrival, a full member of the group.'' Hey Inko, How has business been going, I heard you got hired on a hefty commission. Chichi asked with Inko taking a sip of her coffee and nodding.'' Yes, They remained anonymous, But they asked for a large painting depicting a new day over the horizon, Weird But have been working on it.''

What Nobody knew is that who hired her was Nezu, The principal of UA, and the boss of Shota Aizawa, Aizawa, had been a hero for around 15 or so years, and a teacher at UA for 5 years, He was known by his students for being a hardass, that cared. Aizawa was one for true equality, Which was rare, Mostly everyone had their own way of reacting to villainous quirks, And while Nezu strived for an equal playing field, That for some was just not the case.

But Nezu, being a highly respected Hero and principle, wanted to know what the people around him did, And most importantly where they lived. He did have to pay his workers. But it was then that he stumbled across the most delectable artwork, That because whatever reason, Struck a string with him, They were beyond beautiful, and he was unable to understand why. Which for the principal of UA was strange, As not only was Nezu seen as one of the brightest heroes alive, He wasn't human, He was a quirked animal that thanks to his understanding of everything, rose thru the ranks and was even highly respected by the top 10 heroes.

So he bought a fair share of Inko's artwork, half because of their beauty, and a half because he needed to understand, Understand how a mear white piece of canvas, with simple colors, could create such depth, create such emotion. Which caused the Hero school of UA to gain quite a bit of new artwork.'' Oh, you paint, How wonderful, Nem herself likes to, May.'' OH, she should come by, It will be great if you allow of course.'' Lilith nodded her head wanting to ask herself, Nemuri wasn't the most open person.

'' Yo, Izuku, Wanna one on one?'' Rumi said bouncing her basketball. Izuku nodded their hands.'' Two Mochi strawberries on Izuku.'' Ryuko said placing a bet on how this match would go.'' I will raise that, one pack of Dorito's and a small bottle of sprite, On Rumi.'' Shino added seeing it was common for Rumi to challenge Izuku in anything, So common that the group started placing bets on them. Payment would be snacks, the winner would get their snacks back, plus a share of the loser's snack, But depending on the price you put up, meant how much you would get back in work.

The work itself wasn't anything special. Just chores they had vouchers for. Some chores were easy, Like doing the dishes or wiping the floor, Others were much harder, Like mowing, the lawn, and cleaning their room, This meant, That Shinso, if he lost would have to do a small task, like cleaning the driveway, But Ryuko would do the bigger ones like taking out the trash for a week, These, of course, were seen as rather enjoyable, as only last week, Izuku took a bet out on himself, being able to defeat Rumi in swimming laps around the pool, Fastest 10 laps. He put on one packet of chips,

But Rumi knew she would win, So putting on a 12-pack of cola cans, A part-size pack of chips, and a pack of mini carrots. Izuku lost, hard, Rumi had been training on her swimming skills and Izuku had not, Which, seeing the difference was so big in price, Ment Izuku had to take out the trash for Rumi for a week while also holding her backpack when at school. So for that week, Izuku 7 knocked on the door, walked in, and took out the trash, All while Rumi and the group watched and laughed.

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