The Internships

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'' Alright, Listen up brats,'' Aizawa called attracting the attention of all the students. They were standing in front of the subway. Each holding a backpack of some clothing. Aswell as the briefcase with their hero outfit. They were going to their Internship.  But they had to listen up.'' You all will stay about a week at the hero of your choosing. You all know who your hero is and where you have to go. Listen to them and show respect. If I hear about any miss behavior I will punish you all myself, AM I UNDERSTOOD.'' He called out with the class giving a clear YES SIR back.'' Good Now get going.''

Izuku was trying to talk with Ida, He had stood outside of the class the entire time and had been walking away the second anyone came close to talk to him. Even now, Izuku had asked Hitoshi and Ochaco to push him toward him, But Ida Just sped walk right by him with the excuse of catching his train. He had picked the Hero Manual right in the middle of Hosu city.'' Keep an eye on him for me.'' Izuku asked Rin who gave the thumbs up as he got in himself, Having also picked Manual.

Izuku was lucky his train was one of the last ones to depart, It gave him the chance to wish everyone luck at their own internships. '' Nem, Try learning something apart from what your best Camera angle is.'' Har Har Har, I already know that.'' Nemuri said as she walked off, She had picked one of the sexiest heroes, Mt Lady, Sadly so did Mineta. Just before the door closed Nemuri screamed again.'' All my angles are my best.'' She then blew them a kiss before the door closed.

'' Hagakure, We must depart ourselves, Borsa awaits.'' Aoyama said as both had picked the Light hero Borsa, A very tall man, that was quite tired and slow at times, Only he fire off Lightbeams and controlled light around him to give an insane speed boost or just make him invisible.'' Wait you're also going South, Cool we can ride together.'' Komori said cheerfully. She had picked the Hero Bamblade. He was a bit of a weird hero for her to pick But he grew bamboo and used it to fight. He however used them as blades.

'' Just hurry up, Don't want to be late,'' Kamakiri said as he had picked Bamblade for that reason. So with that Aoyama, Toru, Komori, and Kamakiri hopped on the train to ride away. Kaminari had also already left, He kind of went with a cheat pick, But he had picked his aunt. A hero that went by the name Static, He loved chilling with her as she was just like him, even in looks. Thankfully the tide would not be boring as he was together with Sero and Bondo playing cards. Both of them chose the same hero. The Beautiful Black Cage.

'' Well I will get walking, Tremor is in this city so yeah. Only a ten-minute walk so Catch you later.'' Kyoka said as she plugged in her earphone jacks in her phone to listen to music as she walked. '' Yo, why is such a big group coming with me?'' Mina asked as Ojiro, Pony, Yanagi, Tsuburaba, Shishida, Honenuki, and Setsuna all hopped onto her train.'' What, Let me see.'' Aizawa asked as he took pulled out the sheet that had the hero each student went with. He could only sigh as it seemed each of the pussycats chose 2 students. Which meant that the 4 personal teams had a total of 8 students going with them.

'' Anyone going with Shackle?'' Itsuka asked as she noticed the train about to leave.'' Jup Thanks for letting me know Big sis.'' Awase said as he ran past Kendo who tried smacking him on the head.'' I AIN'T YOUR SISTER. AND DONT RUN IT NOT SAVE TO DO THAT HERE.'' She screamed, Much like a big sister would do, It just had the class laugh. '' See you later Bro. We for sure have different heroes.'' Kirishima called out to Tetsutetsu.

Both then stepped on the same train, Both turned left and sat down. Both were not the wiser that they had joined the same train, and none the wiser that both had chosen Fourth Kind. Sato had joined the ride he however had picked Fatgum. A hero that ate alot, He hoped that it would give him some sort of help. Bakugo had disappeared but he had not gone alone. And he was not happy about it. Bakugo wanted to go with a powerhouse. a killer that could help him become the strongest ever. First, he wanted to go with someone like Gang Orca or Shishido. Two animal-quirked powerhouses.

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