a final destination

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Izuku opened his eyes, He looked to the side to his alarm, July 15, His birthday, He turned 15 today. And he was worried but excited. The group would be going outside the City, Head to an arcade and movie. It was not something Izuku often did, And even rarer for it to be without an adult, So he say up in his bed, Standing up and dropping forward right away, Starting to do push-ups. It was how he started off All his days, With a simple workout. 25 push-ups to start. Which he was able to do easily.

To then move into a set of 50 mountain climbers. Which was harder. It then turned into a 5-minute plank, with Meditation, As he walked out of his room, He slammed his hand down on the door next to him, Causing Shinso to get out, Eyes close still tired as they walked down the stairs.'' Morning mom.'' Both boys said as Inko waved at them playing two plates of food down, Both quickly ate all food. Only for Aizawa to walk up.'' Hey buddies, Dear.'' He patted both their heads and walked into Inko, who got a kiss.

It had been 4 months since they had married each other and two and a half years since they had moved in which each other. Shinso had quickly started calling Inko Mom,  Same for Izuku with Aizawa, altho that was at moments, Aizawa was sure that during training, He was SIR, But during the day or anytime else, Izuku could call Aizawa dad, pops anything he wanted.'' You are both ready for tonight right,'' Yes dad, We are.'' Fine.'' Aizawa walked up to Shinso and grabbed him by the color.'' give me your money.'' It was a test and Shinso knew he would need to react.

He twisted his body sideways weakening the wrist. The arm closest to Aizawa moved up and brought his forearm to Aizawa's wrist turning it down making it lose, only for one hand to still be stuck. Which just meant Hitoshi turned fully, Which with a grip on his wrist, Turn It into shoulder toss, Right thru the table, Only for both to stop.'' Good, Smooth moves Hitoshi,'' Aizawa said removing his grip and sitting down as Inko gave him a cup of coffee.'' I also won't be home, I will be doing rounds for Black arms,''

'' I am gonna take a jog.'' Izuku said.'' Yes, I will wear something else than my sleepwear.'' He was still wearing just pants and nothing more. He didnt wear alot, it was sunny. So wearing shorts, running shoes and a phone case on his arm, He put his earphones in and started running. Waving to everyone. Also ignoring the cat calls, Mina and Nemuri always gave him in the morning. It was rather impressive how they always came up with new ones.'' Tonight at 5 at my house, Beefcake.'' Mina screamed with Izuku having a single wave of acceptance

It didnt take long for Some of the neighbors came by and dropped off presents and congratulate Izuku on his birthday. Izuku thanked them, and talked a little, Just after the afternoon, The group walked in.'' HEY BUDDY.'' Mina screamed as she ran in and jumped on top of Izuku, Who was able to catch her and hold her up.'' You really like this dont you.'' Jup.'' Mina popped the P.'' I can't help it, I wanna really know the difference when you finally get your dragon rest, Ryuko already had it and now can press me, Wanna know if you can do the same with one arm when it's finally your turn.''

' I just want to know if you will finally outgrow me.'' Rumi laughed. She was smaller, Tho she counted her ears making her the tallest, Which was unfair in everyone's eyes, But Rumi had been training hard, She had one of the hardest kicks in the group.'' Now let's have some cake, So we can hit the road,'' No can't do that, Mom is still finishing it. And before you try and sneak a peak Himi, She will attack you with the spatula.'' This caused the door to stay closed, 

She could hit people harder than a car with that simple rubber mixer, '' Fine, So what now, we cant eat so really what can we do.'' You can come to the garden and show me if you're allowed to go.'' Aizawa said wanting each of them to be prepared, It was the same reason, He gave a monthly self-defense lesson, The most brutal and effective form of self-defense. The group loved it, It made them safer even after being hated. Each one did a simular  exept Mina and Rumi. Mina stepped up and kicked Aizawa in the balls.

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