Interning with heroes

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The day started early for Katsuki and Ibara. 6:30. Their hero knocked on their door. Best jeanist, Ranked 4th. a tall but rather a skinny man dressed head to toe in denim. His hair was combed neatly to one side and half his face was covered in a large denim collar.'' You have 30 minutes to get dressed and come down to eat. You can shower after patrol.'' He told them straight up before walking away. Bakugo had already been awake. He had already showered and brushed his teeth, He had been doing Yoga in his room.

Ibara however was just awoken and was brought out of her morning prayer by the knock. Both got dressed as quickly as they could in their hero outfit, Before then walking to the kitchen.'' Oh boy, I told you to fix your hair.'' Best jeanist asked Bakugo who growled.'' What the fuck is wrong with my hair, sir.''  You're a hero, You must be preventable. Now sit, Roy, Please, get my bag, stage 4'' Best jeanist called his sidekick to get a bag as he was about to tackle Bakugo's hair as he ate.


By the time Bakugo's hair was tamed and the heroes would go on patrol it was 7. The time when more of the heroes would start their day. One group of those heroes where the wild wild pussycat. a team of four friends that had stuck together since hero school. you had Mandalay. a woman with dark red hair who was seen as the mom of the group most of the time. While they all shared the outfit looks the colors were different. Mandalay wore red. Her boots that reached just below the knees were red with fur on top. then a red skirt, into a top that was red on the side. two large cat paw gloves and a headgear that looks like ears.

Mandalay sat on a chair in the garden drinking a cup of coffee, as two of her teammates stood nearby in front of the building. One was inside. Tiger is the only male in the group. Just like his other teammates, He wore a skirt. Only his clothing was dark brown, His gloves also had hard padding inside allowing for harder punches. But he wasn't gonna punch now, No he was holding a metal spoon and a metal pot.

He banged them together as he screamed'' FIRE, THERE IS A FIRE, GET OUTSIDE QUICKLY, FIRE THERE IS A FIRE, FIRE.'' He screamed, His loud and thunderous voice shaking the students awake and aware of the danger that was apparently inside, But sadly for Mina, Ojiro, Pony, Reiko, Tsuburaba, Shishida, Honenuki, and Setsuna. The real danger was outside. the two remaining Pussycats. Pixie-bob, a cheerful blond woman that wore blue and Ragdol, and an energetic lady that was dressed in yellow with light green hair were waiting for them. Only they were waiting, with a large water tank behind them.

The second they all stepped out, Pixie-bob and Ragdoll, open the gate and pointed the hose toward them. covering them in a hard spray of water.'' WAKEY WAKEY EGGS AND BAKEY.'' Pixie-bob screamed cheerfully as she sprayed down the 8 interns. It took about a minute before they stopped, the two laughing at the 8 students shocked and soaking wet on the dirty floor.'' WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT.'' Mina screamed angrily as she was awoken by a maxed-out super soaker.'' Well, we did say, to wake up before 7 or else. and by my clock, it's now.'' She showed her phone that read 7:02.


Both Kirishima and Tetsutetsu had chosen the same hero. Fourth-Kind. Overall, Fourth was a nice man. His hero outfit was a suit. However, he did have four arms so the suit was a custom-tailored one. It was also heavily reinforced with kevlar and such, On each hand, he wore a large set of rings, Just so they would work like brass knuckles.'' WORK HARDER KIDDIES, UNLESS YOU WANNA BE A GOLDFISH FOREVER.'' Yesterday Fourth- Kind gave them a speech on how they were small fish in a big pond and in 3 years time, they had to be sharks as they would be thrown into the oceans. Which earned them the nickname goldfish.


'' Are you kidding me, This is a horrible joke.'' Sir Nighteye sat at his desk as both Momo and Hitoshi stood in front of him, He right now was talking to Momo and her hero outfit.'' No sir, This is my hero outfit, I am aware I should have more skin, But this is as open as they would allow.'' Sir Nighteye slammed his hands on the table as he stood up, staring down Momo who just looked down in a mix of fear and confusion. Hitoshi was not spared, He stood to the side. His hero outfit was just a mix of his father's.

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