The fight

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'Don't think you can win this All Might. you were left in worse shape than I at the end of our fight.'' All Might nodded. But as his muscles pulsed with life. As his strength rushed through his body he felt like himself again. He was back and running at 100%.'' Let's even the playing field then.'' Izuku said. All Might still had the effects of Mul on himself.'' GAAN, VAHLOK'' The words for stamina and Guard. All Might felt a shot of adrenalin, Before he felt he had but seconds, Now he had minutes. He had time to spare. His body felt more durable.

Izuku dropped to a knee. Blood dripped out his nose as he pushed his limits.'' Boy. I can do the same.'' AFO was about to boost himself, Only for All Might to act. Their speed surprised all of them, Even All Might was shocked with the speed. His large fist went overhead. A large bang was heard as All Might broke the sound barrier. AFO blocked it barely. The extra quirks he had stored over the years helped him. The thicker bones he took from a young girl in Argentina. The dense muscle fibers he stole from an older gentleman in London. The thicker skin he took from a young child, not 2 kilometers from their current location. Each of them helped AFO in this fight.

But All Might didn't let up. He dashed to his side. AFO had no time to react as All Might slammed his fist deep into his ribs again. The same spot that Izuku attacked. The same spot that was already weakened. He spat out blood as his body ragdolled over the ground.'' Your reign of terror is over All for One.'' All Might spoke as he crouched slightly.

Jumping forward. Cracking the ground, he threw his fist at All for One, Only for a completely black arm to grab it. almost looking like a dark suit of armor, AFO used his Hybrid form. A form that was not used in years. His scales were small thousands of small scales lapped over each other as they acted like armor. Nearly nothing would be able to pierce it. Two large pure black wings. Demonic more than dragonic. his sharp teeth visible as his face transformed and most importantly the large horns on top of his face. two simple demon horns.

Izuku now understood why some dragons were seen as pure evil. Because All For One's transformation was 100% a demon.'' Let's see how you like to be thrown around.'' Afo backhanded all might. Right on his injury. It hurt. Nowhere as much as he would taught. Izuku's buffs worked wonders on him. As he tried looking for Izuku he was lost. That was until All Might looked back at AFO. Izuku had rushed him. In his own Hybrid form. Their hands intertwined as they fought for dominance. Izuku thankfully still under the effects of his own Mul. But even then. AFO was older and stronger and he had fully unlocked his horde.

It was not close. AFO pushed his hands down. snapping Izuku's wrist back. Forcing him to take a knee.'' You really believe you could win against me, boy. I am your father, And I will just beat some respect into you.'' YOUR NOTHING OF MINE. AND I CAN'T BEAT YOU, BUT I CAN SURE ASS HELL KEEP YOU BUSY.'' Even if It meant that Izuku would die. even if he lost all his limbs. He would have to keep fighting. He could not allow All Might to die. He could not allow AFO to win this.

'' SULE'' Izuku knew that word. Suleyk, The word for power, is the second stage of the strength boost. Izuku could now let that happen. Izuku breathed out The hot flames now more condensed as they covered AFO's face.'' AHH, YOU BRAT.'' AFO got mad. How dare his child do this. He brought his head down. forehead clashing against Izuku's face. Again and again. Yet Izuku remained with his grip on AFO.'' WELL DONE YOUNG MIDORIYA,'' All Might jumped up from behind AFO. He spun around. Rotating as fast as he could, before slamming his fist deep into AFO's shoulders.

AFO stood still, able to handle the weight, even if it hurt. he did not buckle. The floor however could not handle it. The ground broke under All Might's power. The ground caved in, spiderwebbed under them. AFO tried turning around. But Izuku held onto him.'' NO, YOU FUCKING DON'T.'' YOU'RE GOING TO DIE.'' AFO took a deep breath in.'' BRING IT. KILL ME, I AINT LETTING GO.'' Izuku gritted his teeth as he closed his eyes. This was it. But nothing happened.'' I will not allow you to touch my student all for one.'' All Might spoke in a calm and rage-filled tone. His hands were fully on his chin, closing his mouth with force.'' BACK UP HAS ARRIVED.'' Izuku turned to look. He saw them. Rush, Best Jeanist, Endeavor. The top 10 heroes had arrived on the scene.'' AFO however was not playing fair anymore. He transformed once again. The most destructive and powerful full. The full dragon form. Transforming into a massive beast. easily as big as the zero pointer. its monstrous look caused the watchers at home to recoil in fear.'' oh fuck'' Hawks said. He wasn't able to do much against that.

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