The naming of the next generation.

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Present Mic looked at the paper with all the names he had thought of for the students. He loved it because well it gave enough students great ideas for their names. Alot of them even stuck around until their pro time, Sure times they just had a name that was perfect themselves. But sometimes the names they picked blatantly sucked.'' Alright, my listeners. It's gonna be like this yoo, We got like 45 of yall here and if we spent 20 minutes on each of your names we ain't ever going home. So we gonna spitball this shit real quick.''

'' I am gonna point at you. You either say your name. Or I will give you one. Ait.'' The class nodded. accustomed to Vlad or Aizawa that didn't allow any sudden outburst.'' I CANT HEAR YOU.'' Mic called out again with the students given a collective yes sir.'' AIT, Check it, Bakugo what you got.'' MURDER DEATH GOD EXPLOSION FIST.'' That's a big no from me dog, No cusses because it's got to be PG. So stay clear from death, god murder all that shillze. How about instead we name you, Rupture,'' Bakugo looked offended.

'' HELL NO THAT'S A WEAK ASS NAME, I NEED SOMETHING THAT WILL PUT THE FEAR OF ME INTO VILLAINS.'' Bakugo screamed as he stood up on his desk.'' Chill little man ain't gotta outshine me. What about Something like Ground Zero, That will get everyone to know the bomb is dropping there.'' This was acceptable to Bakugo who dropped back on his chair with a whatever.'' Ait. Bondo you got one.'' Plamo sir.'' I don't get it but I like it, Short easy to say, Nice. What about muscles over there, Sato hit me with something sweet.'' Mic joked

'' I was thinking of Sugarman. Or like Something.'' Sato said showing he didn't give his name that much thought but Mic loved it.'' That's gonna be great with the kids, I myself had in mind. Glucose, But that sucks, Let's go for Sugerman. What about the ladies, Asui? what you got.'' I thought of this one since I was little sir, Froppy.'' OH HELL TO THE MOTHERFLIPPING YES. I AM LOVING THIS SO FAR, LETS'S KEEP THE HYPE GOING.'' Mic yelled, He was jumping around like an excited schoolboy. Pointing and trying to hype everyone

'' Nana, you are always so loud so what do you have in mind.'' Uhm, I don't know, Nana?'' Nana responded. All her older names were too embarrassing to say in front of a class, Mini Might, Lady Justice. Gall Might. All the cringe work of a 7-year-old girl. Sure she loved them, But that was for herself.'' Nah, Here I was hoping to hear, The Bright Star hero, Nova or something.'' Well, let's keep that one, It sounds cool.'' Nana said with present Mic shrugging before going to point at Ochaco'' SPEAK.'' uhm, U-Uravity sir.'' NICE WORDPLAY. Now Ida?'' Ida barely looked up from his chair as he had written down Ingenium. The same name as his brother and of his father, The name they all shared.'' COOL, KEEPING IT IN THE FAM LET'S GO, LET'S GO KENDO''

'' BattleFist sir.'' LOVE IT LETS KEEP THIS UP, SHIOSAKI HIT ME.'' Uhm, Vine sir, I believe Vine will be fitting.'' Like your quirk, Not my favorite, But short and known, Good.'' He pointed for Kaminari right in front of him.'' Shockwave.'' That's taken Sparky.'' Oh, Uhm, What about Charge? Uhm Charge bolt yeah.'' Kaminari came up with it on the spot but Present Mic again liked it so he agreed as he took his focus on Tsuburaba.'' My name isn't good right.'' Tsuburaba asked showing he didnt think of one before. Present Mic just shook his head as he kept the weird stance that pointed at him.

'' Barrier maybe, 'cause as I make them?'' I LIKE IT, Yaoyorozu, nose out the book and inform us about your hero name.'' He called out to Momo who had gone back to reading.'' Creati Sir, I had it ready before class,'' Momo said with a kind smile before she went right back to reading making Present Mic look like a fool.'' Fine, Kirishima blow me away.'' YES, SIR, I WANT TO BE CALLED RED RIOT SIR, IN HONOUR OF MY ALL-TIME FAVORITE CRIMSON RIOT SIR.'' All Right, Just don't look at me when you get sued for copyright reasons hehe.'' Present Mic joked as he aimed at Monoma.

'' Phantom Thief sir.'' I like it, 'cause you take quirks, Nicely thought off, Now Honenuki, give me something equally good.'' Honenuki looked like a deer caught in the headlights. He blinked before dryly saying'' Mudman?'' OH GREAT FOR THE KIDS WE ARE ZOOMING THRU THIS. KAIBARA COME ON.'' Uhm, I thought of Drill man?'' Come on kiddo, that's a bit bland. What about Spiral, That's nice right? Goes nicely off the tongue.'' Kaibara liked it more than drill man so he agreed.'' Woow, Rabbit, What you got.'' THE MURDER RABBIT, DEATH KICK.'' 

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