A run down and more fights

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The first fight had been Best jeanist who faced off against a team of trappers. Mineta, Sero, Ibara, Bondo, and Jozu. Each of them was not known for their hand-to-hand combat abilities or their long-ranged combat abilities. No, they were used to trap their opponents and that way win the fight. But they were going against one of the all-time greatest in that field. It was like a bunch of high schoolers going against Lebron James in a game of basketball. They were grossly outmatched. And while their tactic of stay close might have worked normally.

It was foolish against Best jeanist. If you had no shame the best you could have done was go completely naked and fight in head-on. His quirk doesn't work when there isn't clothing to control. But that was a little strange so best if they just ran. The next fight was a weird one. While Izuku understood why it was made it was still weird. Crust is an extremely well-rounded and skilled hero. He is one of the top 10 heroes. So having a pretty well-rounded team would do well. But there it showed their problems.

Ryuko's team showed it best. they needed teamwork. Bakugo and Rumi both had Ego's the size of stadiums, Neither would ever want to ask for help. So they fought a losing battle themselves. They fought a battle against Crust. But they also basically fought against each other. It was something Izuku wanted to change. Same for the three that captured crust by working together. They should have been more outspoken about their idea. But he doubted Rumi and Bakugo would have listened. Team Tetsutetsu was kind of sad to see. Snipe had played his role perfectly.

They started out confident right off the bat. They were going against someone most known for his long-range ability. Of course, they would think they have the upper hand. It was human nature to try to find the bright side of a situation. But they were fools. they were against a teacher and a known pro-hero. They should have either worked together and tried and capture him. or just run for the gate. It was the only logical plan that Izuku could come up with. But instead, they played right into Snipe's hand. And lastly, Team Ryuko. Oh was Izuku proud of them? They had played it perfectly. Ryuko acted as a shield, her large dragon body perfect for that. Tsuburaba acted as a backup if the need arose.

Tsuyu used her fast swimming in the water to stay hidden until the perfect moment and Kirishima and Kaminari used a fools technique that only they could pull off. everything worked out so well and in the end, they earn that victory. Izuku didnt, know they could have done any better. But now the next fight would start. It was team 5. Ochaco, teaming with Yui, Ojiro, Hitoshi, and Himiko. A decent team in close combat. 

And that was exactly what that team assumed'' We are most likely gonna have to fight hand to hand. So I guess Yui and Ojiro and I will keep in front. Himiko and Hitoshi you two stay at the back. Try and sneak up on him or cuss him out something that makes it easier.'' And what if it's a long-range fighter like Snipe or Hawks.'' Ochaco had not thought of that.'' Uhm'' She scratched her head. Thinking about what would be the best idea. But that idea came from the side.'' At that point, the best idea would be to run. You all have limited-range attacks.''

'' Yeah think that is the best idea.'' They looked toward that side. And while they at first thought it was Ojiro speaking. They were extremely shocked to see it was in fact, Rush. Standing next to them with a smile.'' WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE.'' Hitoshi spoke hoping to catch Rush quickly. Rush opened his mouth to respond before smiling and shaking his head. He started steaming as he just zoomed away. They instantly went into formation. Ochaco is in front. Yui to her left. Ojiro to her right. With Hitoshi behind Ojiro and Himiko behind Yui. 

They moved quickly yet kept an eye out for their surroundings. They were extremely uncertain of everything. The last fights had all sorts of moments. Attacks from the shadows. mental warfare, brute force. They were scared of what Rush was gonna bring. But they quickly noticed. Rush had blocked off nearly every street except the main street.'' Come let's not play in his hand.'' Yui calmly said as she walked up to one of them always. She noticed a chair in the middle of the garbage pile. And she just touched it and grew it to a massive size. Giving them an opening. They got in and stalked the alleyways.

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