Learning more then ever before

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Izuku sat in the strange warehouse. His eyes closed, His legs crossed as he took deep breaths in and out. AFO had told him to spend each morning meditating. He had to grow his energy within itself. It was a combination of both his physical strength and his spiritual. Both had to grow in order for him to be able to put more energy, meaning bigger and better attacks. But they were lucky. The fire was Izuku's main element. It meant it was his strong suit. And everything that came with fire and that was associated with fire. Destruction, Power. He should be glad, Even AFO's main element had not been fire. It had been Wind. Meaning he was faster and more agile, Yet not something he cared for.

Izuku recently had been given a test. Nothing major. Izuku after a couple of hours of meditating, Would start hand-to-hand combat training. This training was against a Nomu. A High-end Nomu. Specifically created to help Izuku. But as Izuku meditated. His mind cleared itself. Energy for all dragons differed. Some saw it as a treasure they could take from. Some like AFO saw it as a never-ending tap of power. Izuku never saw his energy. He felt it, But it always felt to be behind a wall of sorts, always around the corner.

''It's time sir.'' The naked Lilith spoke, She had been on her knees in front of Izuku, looking at him. a puddle of fluid right below her. She was helping him. Anything she would need to do. She would. Izuku hated it. He disliked the fact she was throwing herself at him. But she never stopped. Izuku stood up. Pulling off the shirt he had on, and stretching his arms. The Nomu stepped forward. Waiting for Izuku to move.

Izuku transformed into his Hybrid form. The dark black scales cover head to toe. The horns growing on his forehead only now there were 13. Each looked stronger and slightly bigger than before. Izuku dashed forward. His fist went low as he slammed it into the Nomu's ribs, Lifting the beast off his feet slightly. But the Nomu roared into action. Bringing its two massive claws together before hammering it down on its back. Izuku stayed up. He stayed on his two feet. The Nomu tried the same action again. Quickly Izuku brought his arms up. Intercepting the Nomu. 

Izuku knew that he was equal in strength to the Nomu. It's how it was created. Just as Strong as Izuku.  Regeneration. and even heat resistance. Some of the powers that AFO had maintained over the years, But in his words, for the training of his son. It was worth the use. Izuku Pushed the arms apart. Before slamming his fist down like hammers on the Nomu's shoulders. The ground cracked as the force pushed the Nomu down. But Izuku didnt see the double punch of the Nomu.

He shot back. Both fists implanted deeply in Izuku's gut. The pillar he landed at, breaking as his body ragdolled through it. He got back up quickly enough to see the Nomu rush him. Izuku sidestepped him. Before throwing a high kick. His speed and strength of the kick forced the Nomu back. A dent in his chest where Izuku's foot was.'' RAAGH'' Izuku yelled angrily as he shot out a flame breath, swallowing the Nomu. Gasping for air shortly after the flames stopped. Showing Izuku was light-headed. The Nomu's flesh burned yet regenerated. The Nomu rushed forward again, Yet stopped with a simple command.'' halt.'' AFO stepped toward Izuku.

'' You have done well so far my son. Sorry, it took a while but here.'' Izuku looked at the book AFO held in his hands. '' Thu'um, speech of dragons?'' Izuku asked. The book seemed slightly old, yet well maintained.'' Yes. I simply forgot with time. Your flame breathes. It is powerful but lacks control. At first, I forgot because it's been so many years. But when I first started. Apart from some wind attacks. I had to use this book for other attacks. Once you find your energy within yourself. You will understand. Just read the book. look through the runes and incantations.''

Izuku didnt understand.'' why what does it do? Other attacks.'' Look.'' AFO turned toward the Nomu. With a small breath, a thin line of flames came forth, removing the shoulder of the Nomu, it quickly healed itself, But the power was there.'' But YOL.'' AFO did the same breath, Yet now the line of fire, before a baseball, Now a volleyball, almost deleting half the Nomu.'' The incantations make it stronger. Not only that, It also makes it so you can force other attacks forward Like some you haven't known before. Study well my son, But carry on training if you please.'' AFO walked away again.

The Hero of the Green: MidoRyuuWhere stories live. Discover now