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The surgery was a success for Izuku. His spine was reconstructed, His ribs were set and his lung was healed. The doctors did give it their all, But now they just had to wait to see how his body would heal. They had to see if his body would just be fixed. Izuku was rolled into the hospital room. His mother father and brother waiting on him as he slept.'' Doctor, How is he.'' He is fine, You have a very powerful son, With the injuries he had, It was a wonder he was awake, let alone still moving and talking.''

'' What do you mean doctor,'' Hitoshi asked unsure what Izuku really went thru.'' His spine was shattered, I am not one to gossip, But a couple of weeks ago we had this hero who was brought in after his arm broke after a car drove over it. The break wasn't even that bad, But he was crying and kept fainting and begging for pain medication. From what I heard, Your boy was more worried about those around him, But if you could excuse me, I need to check on my other patients, If there is anything please call a nurse. excuse me'' The doctor left leaving the Midoriya-Aizawa family alone.

'' Izu, are you okay,'' Inko said as she touched her son's arm, She knew he was still unconscious, But she just felt like she had to try. Hitoshi just leaned back in his chair as he pulled out his phone and shot a group message to everyone he had,'' Izuku is out of surgery but still, under the effects of meds, doc says he is out of clear danger.'' This was instantly met with a barrage of extra questions about what will happen to him.

Hitoshi just couldn't answer those questions because he wasn't sure himself, Sure he wanted to say he was gonna be fine, Because it was Izuku, After his dragon's rest, Izuku basically was untouchable, He was able to lift entire cars like they were bags of rice, He could punch hard enough to dent rock, Hell even some kitchen blades didnt even cut him, They just scratched him. But this was serious, His spine was broken. So he just put his phone on silent and waited, for his brother to wake up. He just took his seat on the right side of Izuku's bed.

Aizawa sat at his feet, He had just messaged the teachers of UA that Izuku was stable and out of surgery, He didn't know more, and if he did he would share it. He then just closed his phone as he needed to spend time with his family. Inko didnt text anyone she just held her son, closing her eyes and praying for him to wake up soon, She needed him to wake up soon. In between Shota and Inko sat Chichi, She was texting with the other families about Izuku, Alerting all of them of what had happened

They of course were worried and offered whatever they could to help. But they had no way of saying what to do. So they sat there in silence for about 70 minutes, Before Izuku slowly started to awaken. His eyes slowly opened up as he groaned, alerting his family and bringing them to the edges of his bed.'' Izu!'' Inko started with Izuku trying to make a word but it just came out as a dry groan. '' I, I can't move.'' Izuku finally spoke. He was unable to really move, all he could really do at the moment was move his arms.

''That's because of the doctors, They fixed your spine, But for it to heal.'' Inko moved the blanket showing a weird metal and plastic guard they placed on his stopping him from moving his spine even a slight bit.'' I will get a nurse.'' Hitoshi said basically running out of the room in case they needed to do some test.'' Is everyone else fine, They didnt go after the others right?'' Izuku said he knew Recovery Girl showed up, But even that he wasn't sure off.'' Everyone is fine, Even I am just doing this for show.'' Aizawa said already moving his arm a slight bit.

'' What about the old dude?'' What old dude.'' All Might showed up, I tried to help a bit, But I can't really remember what happened, But when I woke back up, There was this old dude that kinda looked like a skeleton with some blood on his shirt, I did my best to try and drag him away, But its all kinda fuzzy.'' Izuku admitted with Aizawa giving a smile to Izuku.'' He is fine. You just worry about yourself, I don't want to sound grim, But I also don't want to lie to you.''

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