Fastest to the goal?

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 All Might stood waiting for all the students. Each of them was dressed in their hero outfits. As they came back, Most of them talked about the new improved hero outfits some had. The most notable Momo who had a complete revamp of her outfit.'' Cool Yaoyorozu, It reminds me of that Sidekick of Nighteye, Bubble Girl, or something.'' Izuku said with a kind smile. Momo was thankful that Izuku had been walking behind her so that he could not see her bright red face. Then again she had also been lucky at the fact she could not see the girls Izuku was already close with nearly hugging him as they walked around him.

'' HAHAHA WELCOME STUDENTS, I CAN ALREADY SEE HOW FAR EACH OF YOU HAS GROWN IN THAT SHORT WEAK.'' All Might said looking them all over. While none of them had really grown much. They all had become better, And All Might could sense that, After years of fighting, training, and being around heroes, He had sort of like a sixth sense, One he liked to call power gauze. Of course, it had been wrong from time to time.

One that burned deep inside of his mind was when he saw a young 12-year-old boy with glasses hold up a store. All Might calmly told the boy to relax and as he laid his hand on the boy's shoulder, He was kicked out of the building with the might of a million guns. He of course later found out, the 'boy' was 44-year-old Benjamin Brox. convicted murder of 12 heroes 3 cops and 21 civilians, But thanks to his quirk he just always looked like that, even if he had the power of Death arms in his fist.

All Might looked them all over and while some had grown alot, None more than Izuku. All Might nearly take a double-take. While none of All Might's senses gave off a dangerous vibe to any students. his senses took note of Izuku which was saying enough. All Might knew Izuku was strong enough to be taken note off.'' w-WE HAVE A FUN EXERCISE FOR YOU ALL TODAY'' All Might clear his throat as he spoke. hiding his shock.'' TODAY WE WILL DO AN HUNT OF SORTS, NOW YOU ALL MIGHT'' All Might winked as he made the bad pun'' BE WONDERING, OH BUT WHAT WILL WE HUNT? ME, YOU ALL WILL BE HUNTING ME HAHAHAHAHA'' 

Some of the students laughed, and Nana groaned and facepalmed hard. But All Might kept talking.'' WE WILL SPLIT INTO GROUPS OF 5 or so. Then each of you will be placed somewhere random on the outskirts of our lovely exam site behind me. And the first one to me wins.'' He explained that the students liked it.'' Hell yeah, that's gotta be fun.'' Mina cheered feeling she had gained an edge she didnt have before.'' NOW THEN, THE FIRST GROUP WILL CONSIST OF. Momo Yaoyorozu, Kyoka Jiro, Setsuna Tokage, Nejire Hado, Mina Ashido.'' All Might jumped up high landing roughly in the middle as the five girls all made their own way toward the edge.

Then using his loud voice, All Might screamed'' THEN IF EVERYONE IS READY'' It was silence after that'' THREE, TWO, ONE, GO GO GO!'' He boomed thru the entire field. Each one of the students ran. Momo started off quickly by jumping and creating two rollerblades, tearing her shoes off, as she went forward, Kyoka ran normally, Altho, Kyoka kept clicking her tongue, She was using the sound as vibrations to locate the best course toward All Might.

a trick learned in her internship. Mina had learned one herself. She was using acid on her feet, causing her to skate on them, But unlike Momo and Kyoka, when Mina found an obstacle, They had to go around Mina Just went right thru. Coating her arms in Acid as she threw it forward, Melting right thru the walls. But None had it easier than Setsuna, her upper body had been floating high in the sky, flying right for All Might at a calm pace, She had no real competition. Well, that would have been the case a week earlier.

Nejire shot into the sky using the energy blast. Flying with speed right for All Might and being the first to get to him. Which earned her a really nice medal. But then came the next group. Rumi, Ryuko, Nemuri, Ojiro, and Tokoyami. The two clear favorites had to be Rumi and Ryuko. And as expected the second the start signal was given by All Might both were off. Rumi seemingly transform from bunny to Monster, Broke thru the large steel pipes with ease, Letting nothing stand in her way and victory. Ryuko did the same, While not fast and not trained in the form. Ryuko transformed into her full Dragon form. A hulking beast with wings. Unable to really fly thanks to no training.

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