The class vs dragon

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'' So you all wanna start'' Tohru asked with a large smile as the students looked at her.'' Are you sure we can fight you ma'am, We are hero students.'' Kirishima asked, It would be extremely unmanly just randomly to go all out against a person,

Torhu rolled up her sleeves, showing no muscle whatsoever, Just a flat normal arm, But as she flexed, or tried to, She smiled.'' I am like really strong though, come on bring your All.'' She said with a large toothy grin. This was all they needed. With a loud explosion, a big massive bang, Bakugo released two explosions behind himself, Dashing forward at breakneck speeds, crossing the multiple feet of distance in an instant.

His right hand was brought overhand, a small puddle of sweat building up as he threw it and ignited it, right on top of Tohru. She only kept her grin as she moved her arms in the way, The bang stung slightly as she was knocked back,'' Wow, you are like super strong, Cool. Vahlok ( Gaurd) Guess I should be safe now.'' She said already noticing the others that moved.

They were smart, Using Bakugo's rash moves to hide their own. Out from Bakugo's shadow  Dark shadow rushed. Its claws aiming to strike. Tohru however just punched. Slamming Dark Shadow back.'' wow, that's almost as much force as Izuku.'' No matter, We go again.'' Dark Shadow yelled as he moved forward.

'' Nejire Crash.'' Nejire stood at the sight. Perfectly matched on the other side with Monoma.'' Monoma Crash.'' He said with a smirk as both launched an attack, aiming to sandwich Tohru. But with a small jump, she easily cleared it, Now stuck in the sky a lot of people attacked at once.

Rin used the scales on his arms to fire at her, Itsuka had taken the broken pieces from the floor that Bakugo and Tohru had created before and threw them almost like a shotgun blast, Momo herself had created a lacrosse stick. A simple stick with a cup, One that allowed one to chuck balls at incredible speeds. Ibara had sent her hair,  Yet each one failed.

Tohru spread her wings, two black batwings, with a large gust of wind, Tohru was even higher.'' GET DOWN.'' Rumi screamed as she dashed for Tohru. A forward spinning downward heel kick, One that would have landed perfectly on her head, Only if Tohru had not blocked,

Bringing her arms in an X above her head, catching the foot, Yet the force was enough to send her down slightly.'' HAHAHA, That was cool, Didn't know bunnies were that strong.'' Tohru said with an innocent smile.'' She meant nothing by it, However, Rumi felt challenged, She felt enraged, How dare she assume she was weak.'' Focus.'' Nana said Her first move. Dashing forward with insane speeds, Nearly teleporting in front of Tohru, her fist cocked back and ready to throw.

Only for Tohru to strike first, She had aimed a low hook well before, it landing hard on her rib cage, Nana shot back, slamming into the floor and bouncing a single time before she caught herself. Groaning as she felt the damage done to her bones.'' Jeez.'' Nana said gritting her teeth as she ran back into the fight.

'' BE SLICED INTO PIECES'' Kamakiri yelled as he came from the back, Announcing his attack and giving Tohru time to dash forward.'' Never yell.'' UNLESS YOUR TRYING TO ANNOUNCH YOUR ATTACK.'' Kaminari yelled as he dashed forward, Being hidden until he could land a for-sure hit. Kamakiri merely acted as bait.

Tohru had to grit her teeth through this one. As Kaminari had the space, He instantly with lightning speeds pushed out the volt, His two million volts, It would fry his brain, But also give everyone enough time to land their attacks.

The students understood who they were up against, They were up against an extremely powerful dragon, they were up against a Midoriya-level threat, Perhaps in a one V one, they would lose, But together with their friends, they had a shot.

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