Manly fighting

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============== With team Tetsutetsu=================

With Ibara as their leader, they were using Dark Shadow as a scout. '' It seems we have located a suitable group. It is but one point away from perfection.'' Tokoyami told the group as they nodded'' I see, We will have to see who remains alone after that.'' Bro just let me. I am like super powerful at the moment, I will just kick a little ass afterward.'' Tetsutetsu said with a smile. He only needed to take out one other person. That would not be that hard. But with that. They had a suitable plan.

Ibara shot her vines deep in the ground, Burying them just below as they traveled through the dirt, Surrounding the small group without their knowledge before the vines popped out, creating a thick hedge of thorny vines.'' FUCK WE NEED TO FIGHT'' The group yelled. They were glad to see the group was far smaller than their own.'' TAKE FIBHAAAA'' As he tried to bark out an order. Rin had turned his claw into its scaly form, Before he then fired out multiple scales, Multiple hitting the leader clean in the face and knocking him down on his ass.

'' Y-YOU FUCKER, YOU BROKE ONE OF MY TEETH, I WILL FUCKING KILL YOU, I WILL GOD DAMN BREAK YOU.'' He screamed in anger, Yet the use of God angered Ibara'' Do not use the lord's name in vain you Heathen.'' Ibara called out, Multiple thick vines shot out from the hedge she created, Instantly wrapping around the leader, One around his throat, wrapping up to his nose, One on his wrist that wrapped over his entire arm, Up to his shoulder, before it went back into the hedge, Same for his leg as it went from ankle to hip.

One more was deeply wrapped around his gut as he was pulled into the hedge, keeping him stuck there unable to yell or move.'' IRON DRAGON MANLY FIST.'' Tetsutetsu yelled as he dashed forward. His iron-like skin almost seemed to have scales as he swung his fist.'' try me bitch, They do not call me The Diamond Fortress as a joke.'' As he brought his arms up, Tetsutetsu saw a castle wall take form without being there. This was his quirk, But Tetsutetsu only smiled, He swung as hard as he could, The fist landed on the wall and it cracked.'' IMPRESSIVE BUT NOT ENOUGH.'' 

Tetsutetsu screamed'' THEN I WILL MAKE IT ENOUGH, MANLY IRON DRAGON BARRAGE'' Tetsutetsu kept swinging, Each swung as powerful as he could muster, BOOM, BOOM, CRACK. Each blow caused more cracks to show up. The student's arms started to shake, His feet started to dig up dirt as he moved with each blow. Sweat covered his face as with each blow, He got less and less confident. And then With a massive overhand right. Tetutetsu broke through the wall.'' NOOOOO I WAS UNBREAKABLEEEEEHHH'' The student yelled as he was forced to eat the big right of Tetsutetsu which knocked him out.

'' easy pray.'' A tiger-quirked woman jumped from behind Tokoyami, Believing she had stalked up on her prey. Yet instead of a scarred little bird, he smirked. Only to see a second set of eyes pop off the floor. Her claws were spread wide. She tried bringing them in faster, But her body could not move fast enough as Kuoiro appeared out of Tokoyami's shadow, His fist aimed up, landing a powerful uppercut, Knocking her back, But she was still awake. Only to have lost sight of Kuroiro.'' where is that fucker.'' A shadow is always behind.'' Kuroiro had in the split second he landed the blow entered her shadow.

Right now she was behind her, His arms wrapped around her neck as he tagged her out with his other.'' I got these.'' Koko said holding three knocked-out students. Seeing there were nine total students for them to fight, Tetsutetsu had knocked out one, Ibara had instantly tied one up, Kuroiro had tagged one out, and Dark Shadow had taken out 3 on his own, That meant there were only three more. Each clawing at the vines.'' THEY ARE FUCKING MONSTERS, MONSTERS I TELL YOU, FUCKING MONSTERS.'' One screamed completely scared of the group.

'' Please, we simply wish to pass. We would rather not use violence.'' Ibara stated as she wrapped vines around the other three, stopping them instantly.'' I WILL FIND ANOTHER.'' Tetsutetsu yelled out as he tagged the guy he had knocked out, Before he ran away, allowing The others to tag everyone. Tetsutetsu had kept the pace of a fast jog, Thankfully with both Rush and Dabi's training. It made it rather easy to keep a fast pace.'' Oh, a little kitty all alone.'' A voice said as a group stepped up from a hidden cell. As one opened the door and closed it. It had to be their quirk.

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