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The entire class had come to the mall. Izuku didnt want to go, But he had a list that needed to be filled. It wasn't that he hated his class. But right now. He had stuff to think about. His quirk gained more strength for some reason. Which he didnt fully understand, But the thing he wanted to understand was Nana. Nana was a complete mystery to him. The first day of School she hated him, they fought and she went crazy. And she stayed to hate him during their entire time.

But over time it lessened and lessened. And Izuku felt like they might have been friends. And that was already something strange for Izuku. But she loved him. She loved HIM. it was such a strange concept. He knew the girls he dated loved him too. And he knew that he loved them too. They were extremely kind and sweet and he got this feeling when he was around them, that he needed to be there. But he wasn't sure about Nana. Did he have that same feeling? Hell, he wasn't sure if he hated her.

It was alot for Izuku and with each moment that passed. Izuku had this rock added to his stomach that made him uncomfortable. It made him feel uneasy. He wanted to tell Nana the Truth as quickly as he could. If that was he loved her too, or if he hated her. She deserved to know. But Izuku wanted to know what he was feeling. But he and she would have to wait. As Right now Izuku was walking thru the mall, with Ochaco in one area and Nemuri in the other. It walked a little strange, But the girls had won the right to do so during a game of rock paper scissors so Izuku accepted it.

They had some stuff to get. And Mina and Setsuna came up with a plan.'' Izuku you wait here, We will split up a bit, and get all the boring stuff like bug spray, and a lamp. and then we can shop for some swimwear. Deal?'' Mina said with Izuku shrugging and sitting down, He could use the peace to think. Of course, Mina had made the deal with Setsuna Momo and Ochaco would team up and they would fight over price So that they could rush over and grab Izuku's arms for themselves.

And the girls exploded in their directions. And Izuku was alone. But not for long.

-----------------Hours ago somewhere unknown-----------

'' Master is this needed? Why do you want me to do this.'' Shigiraki spoke into the TV. The voice spoke back.'' If you want to possibly take my place in the future, you must learn how to strengthen your ranks. Giran Might be a little shady, But he has always been a good help to us with items and manpower. So See if you can strengthen your ranks Shigiraki. I have other matters to attend to.'' The voice said as the screen got turned off.

'' Fine, Kurogiri, send them in,'' Shigiraki said as he pulled out a DS and started playing whatever game was in the slot. '' Yes of course Young Master,'' Kurogiri spoke as he bowed his head slightly, the door opened shortly after, and a scruffy middle-aged man walked thru.'' Hey, how are my two favorite evil-doers doing? Good And evil I hope.'' Giran joked as he was followed in by two people.'' Now I got you some fresh meat. Now I know they aren't your normal cup of tea, but believe me, these 2 right here are worth it'' Giran said with a coy smile. Only for Shigiraki to glace at him.'' I don't like tea.''

Giran was what you called an underground broker, He made deals and set up meetings between groups. for a payday of course. He wore a slightly larger purple suit that was messy and open. a white button-up shirt with the top 2 buttons open giving him alot of breathing room. A scarf around his neck and he constantly smoked. He wore sunglasses no matter where he was and had messy hair.'' Now please allow me to introduce, Tomora Shigiraki. Leader of the League of Villains. Which according to the news had Stain as his subordinate.''

Giran of course did not know if this was a fact. He tried to get an answer but Shigiraki never told him shit, and Kurogiri was a robot of a man.'' Well first, This Little Lizard looking friend, Is name Spinner. And I know, He hasn't got a lot of murders to his name, But believe me. I have faith in this dude like he was my criminal son.'' Giran said throwing his arm over Spinner's shoulder. But he wasn't done.''

The Hero of the Green: MidoRyuuWhere stories live. Discover now