The death of an icon?

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AFO smiled as he opened the portal. It was placed in the middle of the docks, according to Izuku's suggestions and AFO was pleased by it. Out of the way enough to not be disrupted by those foolish heroes. AFO raised his hands, using one of the many quirks to break the surrounding area, a massive explosion happened. AFO stood on top of the rubble in front of him, Izuku, Shigiraki, Lilith, Spinner, Twice, Magna, and All the members of LoV. They were all going to witness the birth of the new villain Midoryuu.

'' Now what master.'' Shigiraki asked.'' Now we wait, Some heroes will show up. Then we kill them and wait for All Might, He won't be long.'' I will handle them all.'' Izuku said as he started walking toward the front.'' But sir, did you not want to start with all might.'' Ash asked, But with a glare, he was silenced.'' For the likes of All Might I will need to be warmed up.'' Izuku said before walking. It did not take long before two heroes showed up. They were heroes that often patrolled in the area. Blaster and Owlman.'' HALT, YOU CAN NOT BE HERE AFTER THIS HOUR.'' Call All Might and walk away.'' Izuku said not looking them in the eyes.

''Trespassing is a criminal offense, Stop your actions and walk away.'' Izuku looked up, His eyes now slit, permanently, One part that happened during his training with AFO. The heroes instinctifly took a step back,'' Villain, this is your fi-final chance to surrender.'' I told you to call All Might for support, Use this.'' Izuku threw a paper at their feet. Blaster grabbed it, But Owlman just rushed at Izuku. His talon hands were ready to strike.

Izuku grabbed his wrist,'' Not what I told you to do, You made me do this.'' Izuku with an open hand slapped Owlman across the face, So hard his mask nearly came off. Izuku held him up. Now grabbing him by the neck and throwing him back.'' Call All Might. I need All Might here.'' Blaster nodded. From the two OwlMan was the higher-ranked hero. His senior in every sense of the word.'' h-hello all might sir sorry sir.'' Blaster spoke around the corner on his knees whispering as he held his phone with both hands.'' I am sorry this is Nezu, How did you get this number.''

Nezu said confused in his office chair, Looking out the window.'' I am so sorry sir, I was given this number by a dragon villain. He is asking for All Might.'' Where.'' Nezu didn't need to know more.'' East province, The port. It was destroyed.'' I see, Do not fret, Don't call anyone else, Keep this to yourself, UA will be grateful.'' Nezu said as He instantly contacted All Might. Nezu smiled. Finally, it was time to place that villain back behind bars. He hoped with all the emotional weight All Might had, It would be a fight he could win.

All Might himself was on the couch. He sat in his suit pants scrolling through the TV as he ate his dinner.'' A CALL IS HERE, A CALL IS HERE.'' Yes hello, Toshinori speaking.'' We have located AFO and Midoriya. East province, Docks.'' I will go now.'' All Might instantly stood up, Buffing up as he dashed out of his home, Nana none the wiser as she sat in her dorm room, hugging her pillow as she had the news on as white noise. All Might used OFA, Allowing the embers that remained in his body to course as much as they could.

His powerful feet slammed into the ground. His mighty legs pushed themselves off the floor, leaving a light imprint on the pavement. Cracks formed as he jumped, nearly floating through the sky like his late master's quirk. His hair fluttered in the wind as he clutched his fist as tightly as he could. His face filled with rage. He was going to end this. Not only will Nana never be forced to fight the evil that is known as AFO. the Evil that took her real father from her. But also Izuku. The bastard that broke her heart, All Might would get his revenge on both of them.

As he finally made it toward the dock. His feet crashed into the floor, the entire dock shook, He saw it clear. AFO standing on top of the rubble. His face was proud, His almost glowing eyes staring right at him, His fangs visible, His posture calm, All might hated him, He could feel his wound hurt at the memory.'' Hello All Might.'' Izuku said, a tone of sadness and respect still visible in his voice.'' I will defeat you Midoriya, You can't defeat me.'' Izuku nodded.'' I could not yes, But I don't have to, I just have to outlive you. Your time with OFA is running out.

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