Pixie-bobs ''training''

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Pixie-bob smiled as she looked at her own group. In her group. You had, Mineta, Aoyama, Kaminari, Tokoyami, Todoroki, Kuroiro, Kodai, Bondo, Tsuburaba, and Nejire. Each of them could use her to learn more about their abilities.'' Now then my little kitties. Be honest. Who of you thinks that they can beat me in a 1 on 1 fight? Come on be honest.'' Both Todoroki and Tokoyami raised their hands.'' Okay and why is that.'' You can create dirt beasts, We already fought against them. It was hard because you were far away. If you were closer like a 1 on 1 fight, I would have attacked you directly.'' Shoto spoke.

While he was aware of the fact, Pixie-bob was a pro hero. Shoto had undergone training since he was younger. He might not be able to face certain beasts, But most normal people he would be able to face.'' And you Toki, why do you think you can beat little old me.'' It would be a two-against-one. If Koko can't get tired the victory would be mine as the dirt creations would mean nothing.'' Pixie-bob just started laughing.'' Well then, let's do it. Two against one.''

Pixie Bob smirked as she walked a little away. around 20 meters of range in between them.'' If you guys win. I will do your clean-up duty. If I win, You two will act like my maid for the week.'' Fine. It's not like I will lose.'' I also agree, perhaps it's a good way to sense the distance.'' Aoyama please give us the signal to start.'' Pixie said. Aoyama nodded before waiting. At random he fired his belly laser. And it was over in a second. As the signal was given. Both Shoto and Tokoyami went into action. They moved but Pixie-bob's hands were on the group.'' grab''

Two massive hands, almost titan-sized. came out the earth, grabbing both Shoto and Tokoyami and squeezing hard. Both Shoto and Tokoyami were unable to move. they could only groan in pain as they tried escaping.'' T-THIS AIN'T NOTHING.'' Shoto struggled to say as he tried getting out.'' Oh well then. SINK'' The two hands started moving down back to the ground. leaving both Shoto and Tokoyami with just their heads exposed.'' I think I won right.'' Pixie said sweetly with both boys giving defeat.'' That's lesson one.''

Pixie let both boys up..'' Just because you have seen me make weak things doesn't mean I am weak. Sure it might not work against the stronger ones like that Midoriya boy. But even he won't get close without a fight. You see in my team, I have 2 jobs. My job is to work the surrounding areas to our advantage. Aswell as make sure enough things are active on the field to ease the fighting for my teammates. I control each of them beast mentally which requires alot of strain.'' But why Pixie, why not make one large tough beast,''

Nejire wondered.'' Good question. Because that was more effective than 1 large beast. The objective was to tire you out. While 1 large beast might have given you a harder fight. a horde of hundreds of beasts would keep you tired and busy for longer. I gave them that size for the fear factor.'' Pixie-Bob pressed her hands down on the ground.'' See here.'' She made a wolf-sized beast. It seemed alot cleaner than the normal creations she made.'' The rough look made it scary. The size made it scary. These things are important in a fight.''

This time Mineta was wondering.'' What does fear have to do in a fight?'' You see. Fear causes people to act on instinct. on her base actions. They run or fight. It gives the other force an advantage. Some of you, use their abilities incorrectly. Like Tokoyami. While that little birdy looks for Uhm Koko right.'' Dark Shadow nodded.'' Yes, The name is Koko.'' While Koko while that look is cute, The simple fact, it's not scary. You more look like a chicken than a demon-like shadow monster. For example. Remember your sports festival. When Todoroki went against Midoriya. Which one would you rather fight, Normal Midoriya or that version.'' 

Everyone instantly knew their answer. Normal Midoriya. The other one seemed like a monster. And it was clear. They understood what she meant.'' Exactly kitties. When faced with something people fear, they are more likely to surrender.  But that's not the only emotion you can play. Every emotion is playable. But that will be later, First, I am going to destroy you all down into nothing so I can build you up correctly. This will cause you all great harm and just know. It's the only way to succeed. To train my quirk I have gone through countless migraines and headaches.

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