Picking the Class Representative

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Izuku smiled as he walked into the lunchroom. He just ignored the stares and whispers as he walked toward the table his friends were already waiting for him. they had left a seat over for him.'' Hey sorry for the wait but had to grab my lunch.'' Izuku said as he placed his lunchbox on the table. Much like any member of his family, They all had a nicely packed lunch from Inko, Filled with everything they needed and alot of love.'' Oh hell yeah, Fried chicken.'' Izuku smiled with Hitoshi laughing.'' Oh, you got chicken, nice, I got pigs in a blanket.'' Izuku smirked 

He quickly started eating. Only halfway thru their lunch, an alarm started to ring. Blaring lights and alarm'' UA SECURITY SYSTEM HAS BEEN BREACHED. UA SECURITY SYSTEM HAS BEEN BREACHED.'' a robotic voice kept repeating this at a near deafening volume.'' What the fuck.'' Rumi said as she stood up, Everyone else followed quickly behind. '' I don't know, Ever since I have been in UA that has never happened, Just get out quickly.'' One of the random third-years told the group as he started making his way out.

'' W-what do we gotta do.'' Ochaco asked worriedly to Izuku who thought about it.'' Let's just head to class, I am sure teachers will show up and explain.'' The group nodded as they just followed Izuku. They quickly figured out the main problem. The small hallway that normally students normally lined up and walk perfectly fine, But now everyone was just stuck, pushing and pulling each other as they brought to a standstill. Izuku was pushed to the side and quickly pushed thru the window.'' GET OUT OF THE WAY VILLAIN.'' was what the first one said before he escaped in the sea of scared students.

But as Izuku landed at the window he could see what happened. The media had poured in and was taking pictures, But the teachers were already pushing them back. So Izuku looked back, wanting to explain but as he looked back he just saw Himiko get pushed back as a second-year tried getting passed her. Which pissed him off, He stood tall and raised his voice, almost Dragonic.'' STOP PUSHING. RELAX IT'S JUST THE MEDIA.'' This voice stopped everyone, stopped them in fear and it was heard throughout the school.'' Oh tell master UA just got interesting.'' a random voice said from the darkness before disappearing into nothingness.

unaware of this unknown figure hidden in the depths of UA the students started making their way into their class.'' Next time keep your voice down, You nearly deafened me.'' Hitoshi groaned as he rubbed his ears with Izuku giving him a laugh. '' I wonder what we will do now, It's our last class for today, I just wanna go home and relax in the bath.'' Nemuri whined as she stretched.'' No idea, It's only like a 1-hour class, So doubt it's gonna be hard work.'' Shishida said as he leaned forward on his desk

The door shot open and closed right away once more with Aizawa walking in.'' Sorry students, But as some of you already figured out, Media had found a way in But we know the fault in our system and have added new security measures. But ignore that as you have something much more important than that. You have to pick a class representative. This person will be the leader of your class for this year and will be the one in talks with other classes, and the teachers surrounding students, That person can then pick 3 helpers.

'' You have this hour to make that discussion, I will sleep during that time, wake me up when you have a decision,'' Aizawa then crawled into his sleeping bag and went to sleep. with the group instantly starting to argue about who was supposed to take the leading role, Aizawa, of course, wasn't asleep, He was thinking. he had just left Nezu and some of the other teachers alone at the massive opening that was within the walls of UA.'' I don't know what could have caused these things, the walls crumbled I have never in my days seen anything like this.''

Nezu spoke with worry as he moved his fingers thru the crumbled wall.'' Yeah, I can't really say what happened, It's almost like the wall just decayed or something, We will just have to look in the known Quirk database and hope its known, But if the brat was cocky enough to attack UA, I doubt he was stupid enough to not alter or remove that.'' Gran Torino said as he leaned on his cane.'' Well, not much we can do about it now, Powerloader, Please make sure this wall is back up by tomorrow, and request the help of All Might and Cementos if needed.''

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