Meeting the friends

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While Inko was making conversation with the new housewives from around the neighborhood, Izuku was playing on his own. He was kicking the ball back and forth against the fence, That really being the only playmate he had for years. It was his best friend, One that never got tired of playing with him. So he kicked the ball and it went back to his feet allowing him to kick again, But because it was a new wall when he kicked again, The ball rolled away from him, Into a group of other kids, One Izuku was far too scared to ask for his ball back.

He had learned from experience then if the ball was near them, It turned into their ball. Or he got his ass kicked, So he dropped his head and went to find a stick to play with instead, But then something happened he really didnt expect.'' Hey, Here is your ball back,'' A pinked skin girl he had yet to meet walked up to him with the ball in her hands. She had a super-bright smile on her face, shocking Izuku to his core.'' Y-Y-Your not taking the ball yourself.'' 

She cocked her head.'' No, why would I, It's your ball right.'' She dropped the ball and offered her hand.'' I am Mina Ashido. wanna play with me and my friends.'' w-wha.'' Do you wanna play with us, we always want to play with more people.'' You're not gonna bully me or beat me up,'' She shook her head.'' Come it's fun, I will introduce you.'' She grabbed his arm, and pulled him with her giving a friendly laugh as she walked up.'' GUYS, I GOT A NEW FRIEND.'' She yelled to the others who all turned and looked at them.

'' Okey, these are my friends, That is Hitoshi, he is really sleepy all the time, But also fun when awake. Then that is Kyoka, She likes music.'' Kyoka was a girl with short dark purple hair with small earphone jacks sticking out from her hair.'' That is Rumi, She acts really tough but is a crybaby.'' AM NOT MINA STOP LYING OR I WILL FIGHT YOU.'' A whitehaired-girl, with two large bunny ears, said tears already showing up.'' Mina stop bullying Rumi, She is just sensitive.'' The next girl said This one had short blond hair and three spikes of sort styled on the side of her head

'' That is Ryuko, we have more but they didnt come today, so still want to play with us?'' A-am I allowed, Dont you hate me because of my quirk.'' We don't even know your quirks, and we aren't like the meanies outside,'' R-really.'' Mina nodded.'' My quirk melts stuff, I am just not very good with it yet, But I will be.'' O-outside.'' Izuku asked not knowing what this really was.'' But Hito like can control people when he talks to them, Last week he made Kyo do this silly dance which was really funny.''

''Kyo herself has those cool jacks, Like she can listen to music with it, it's cool, She also stabs with it when you get super close, Rumi has a rabbit quirk like those super cute ears show. that is Ryuko, She has a dragon quirk, But she isn't evil like those silly outsiders say, She is super nice.'' Mina said happily as Izuku just stood there shocked about these.' evil' Quirks. One even much like himself. He gave a quick look to his mother who was looking right at him, She gave him a nod showing he could tell them, to be a kid.

'' Well, I also have a dragon quirk, I have only used it a couple of times at home tho, so I don't know alot about it yet and my name is Izuku Midoriya.'' Mina looked at him seriously which got Izuku very scared for a second.'' Your Zuku for now on.'' Izuku didnt know what to think. The only ones to have ever given him a nicknames were his mom and Bakugo. But Bakugo did it as an insult, while his mom of course did it out of love.'' W-why.'' Mina just shrugged as they skipped to Kyoka.'' TAG YOUR IT.'' 

She then started sprinting away as fast as he cook with Kyoka chasing behind her, Shinso walked passed Izuku.'' Ignore the nickname, She does it to everyone, as a show of friendship.'' Shinso then went to lay on top of the swingset half asleep. With Izuku looking around, with Kyoka walking up to him.'' Tag your it.'' She then ran away, leaving Izuku confused, as he had never played tag before.'' Uhm what should I do?'' Wait, we are playing tag.'' Izuku nodded.'' Yeah, what is that.'' Oh, uhm run after us and tag someone when your it.

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