Izuku's group fight

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'' He should be right here,'' Mei said confusingly. She had no idea what happened to her tracker, All tests she had done before worked perfectly, They would attack deep enough that it could not fall out, Plus she made sure it had a constant reset cycle so that an EMP would not work. But now looking around on the slab of rock all three stood on, each was confused and looking for the tag. Only for the slab to start shaking.'' ATTACK?'' Toru told the group before all three looked around confused with nobody in sight.'' Can you get off, I would like to stand.'' They heard Izuku's voice below them.

'' It seems Midoriya is carrying the slab, Ribbit'' Tsuyu said instantly hopping off. Toru and Mei followed shortly, Once they were off. Izuku could chuck the large chunk of earth.'' That was super dusty.'' Izuku said covered in dust and sand.'' You laid in stone, what did you think.'' Toru wondered. Izuku just shrugged'' Did any of you pass or get points?'' No, We made sure to not get in fights with anyone. From what we have heard, Nobody has passed yet, But they might only to milestones.'' Izuku nodded toward Tsuyu.

Each of them had 0 points.'' I will lead the charge, Toru you act like a backup. Try and stay hidden. Tsuyu your on-range support, Mei, you support overall, Your suit has the most gadgets'' Izuku said with all four nodding. Izuku walked forward, Toru right behind him. While Izuku was sure he could protect himself in a large-scale fight, Protecting the three around him would be a far bigger problem. But thankfully they only needed 8 tags, Totally doable, and seeing they were at the start of their exam it was doable.

Mei swapped her tracker out. Swiping toward a different gadget.'' Uhm. Izuku can you like scream really really loud?'' Uhm why.'' Oh I want to use the sonic wave created as a scan for around the area, so I can locate structure and people.'' or you give our location away to legit everyone.'' Toru told Mei'' Oooooh, yeah I forgot about that, Never mind. hihi'' Mei said before she tried to ignore the whole ordeal.'' Let's just keep an eye out. It won't be long before we either find people. or they find us.'' And almost as Izuku spoke it into existence. From the hidden corners, enemies jumped out. Four students. They seemed like third years.'' Fucking dragon, You done fucked up today, We were the wrong mother fucker to mess with.''

They yelled out confidently. All four assumed they would be the dominant force in the fight, they believed they were indeed him. That they were the closest to being one of the top 10 heroes. Sure they had already failed the exam last year, But they would not fail for a second time in a row. They simply got unlucky last year, But they were stronger, they were faster, they were overall just better.

The so-called leader of the group rushed forward. Izuku noticed his fist change. They grew a shape larger, The well-conditioned knuckles turned sharper. A big spike formed on each of them, They shared a metallic gray color, Izuku questioned if they were as hard as bronze, But he would not risk it on a gamble. He would have to play it safe. As the leader rushed forward, the other three also-ran. But instead of going right for Izuku to beat him. The group rushed for the three girls behind him, Leaving the leader to one v one the dragon.

'' You girls got this, Show them hell,'' Izuku said putting his complete faith in the girls. Izuku knew exactly how strong and effective the girls could be, and they would just have to show it off. He stepped forward, Giving the girls more space as he faced the bronze spike-fist leader. The leader stepped in with his right foot. His right fist leaned back, His shoulder pushed back. As he was within range of Izuku, He could only yawn as he stepped in again. Izuku was too close, This instead of a punch would end up worse.

As Izuku stepped in. the leader swung his fist wider. the arm simply hugged Izuku as he was too close. The leader grew some spikes on his head as it grew in size. In his mind it was simple, if he was too close for a punch, he was in perfect range for a powerful headbutt. Yet Izuku was once again faster. Izuku wrapped his hands around the waste of the student. His palms made contact with each other before he squeezed as hard as he could. The leader tried his best to hold out, but Izuku's arms had his left arm pressed against his body. 

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