Izuku's job interview.

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Izuku stepped into his dorm room. On the foot of his bed, Izuku had his hero outfit still neatly placed in the large briefcase UA offered for hero outfits. He had his school bag right next to it. Within his bag. Izuku held all his important school documents. And because Izuku had no clue how Mirio and his hero would act. He also just be prepared for everything. Even brought some bandages and wrist wraps in case they wanted to fight. But he was ready. Throwing the bag over his shoulder as he grabbed his hero suit. Izuku made his way down.

Offering a friendly nod toward those that he came across as he did not want to make too much noise this early. He was glad to see that Mirio already stood waiting. Just his UA outfit on.'' Yo Buddy you ready to get a job.'' Izuku nodded'' Good.'' Mirio turned 90 degrees as he started walking toward the train station. Izuku followed a couple of steps behind. '' So why be a hero? With like everyone hating you, It's not the easiest job to get into.'' You're telling me. But it's because of the hate I think.''

Mirio turned around, He simply started walking backward.'' Everyone hated me and my mom when my quirk came in. Even heroes treated us terribly. Ignoring crimes and shit.'' Mirio nodded. A sad reality that he was too aware of.'' But then I found a true home. Where we even met Dad.'' Izuku said with a slight smile as his mind traveled off to the fond memories he made there.'' I went through life just as normal you know, But then I died.'' Mirio nodded slightly confused.'' A hero used an explosive fist to hit me in the heart after I didn't back down as he talked shit. It stopped my heart, If not for Mei I would have died.''

Mirio nodded, Somehow side stepping a streetlamp perfectly.'' I remember that guy. He got arrested, Think he continued his same behavior in jail and it cost him dearly.'' Izuku shrugged.'' But I understood then that no matter who tries. The world will continue to see dragons as bad guys. Because the Media and the heroes continue to strengthen that stereotype. So I have to change it myself. If I become a hero. If I show that not all of us are like that. I can start that change.'' Nice.''

Mirio ended the voice recording from his phone. He did so without Izuku even noticing and sent it right toward Sir Nighteye. A request he had when he agreed to take Izuku in as a work-study. He wanted to know more about the boy than what he saw on the news, More than the rumors then traveled through the heroes.'' Let's talk fun, This was depressing. Emo dragon.'' Mirio said laughing causing Izuku to chuckle'' What you wanna talk about types.'' HAHAHA, I mean, you are dating a dozen girls, right? They don't look the same so what is your type.'' Mirio wondered

'' Hey, why should I go first? You the senior, set an example'' Izuku said back with Mirio just laughing.'' Fine, For me It's fully based on Persona. I want a good mix and someone to have fun with.'' Izuku nodded.'' Of course, a nice butt and a good set of abs won't get me complaining'' Bahaha, Fair enough. I guess I am the same. Each of the girls is beautiful, Not because of how they look, But of who they are.'' Oh, so some are ugly on the outside.'' Izuku gave Mirio a playful shove.

'' What No, you wanna get me killed. All my girlfriends are both beautiful on the inside and the outside.'' Izuku said clearly, Looking around for sneak attacks from assassins, Much to Mirio's joy. But as they continued their talk. Before both knew it, they had reached the Nighteye Agency. Izuku looked around the hallway and found it pretty bland. The gray wallpaper didn't really show anything. Not did the pictures.'' Well, it's your time now, Survive.'' Mirio said as he gave Izuku a large shove into a room. Izuku stumbled slightly as he tried to get his footing. He heard the door close. Before a lock was heard, and a second one. and a third one.

Izuku had very little time to look at the door. Because it had no locks. Mirio had just played a sound bite of heavy metal doors locking, to add to the fear.'' Ah, Midoriya.'' Yes sir, Izuku Midoriya Aizawa'' Izuku said as he straightened himself and turned toward the voice. Sir Nighteye. A well-respected hero, Old side kick of All Might.'' Why should I allow you to apply for a work-study with me.'' Uhm. Well,'' Izuku cleared his throat. Before taking off his backpack.

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