The Internship of Izuku and Nana

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The train ride for Izuku and Nana was awkward. Izuku felt the looks of Nana on him the entire trip. From a couple of seats over Nana kept staring at him but whenever he looked she would be staring out the window, At the ceiling. At the floor. It was super weird, But Nana had it worst. Without thought, Nana's eyes just went over to Izuku. One moment she is looking out the window and boom she is staring at Izuku. Wondering if she could mend the relationship between the two. 

She had no idea how to mend the relationship. Perhaps she needed to let Izuku hit her a couple of times. Make them even. Maybe she had to buy him a gift and apologize. She had no idea what the best way to handle this was. But thankfully, she would be able to focus on training. Rush was a powerful hero and he would for sure keep them busy. So as they reached their stop. Both got up holding their bags and walking out.'' Where do you think we will sleep?'' Nana asked trying to just talk normally with him.

Izuku Shrugged.'' I heard it usually is a hotel or something, But each hero is different, Think last year one of the interns slept at the agency itself so who really knows.'' Izuku answered back. It didnt take them long to locate their hero. They expected him to send a sidekick. But no. The number five hero showed up himself for them. He was fully surrounded by different fans asking for pictures and autographs, Something he was more than happy to do. '' Hey, I will be right with you two, really just a couple more autographs,'' Raven said with a wave as he noticed Nana and Izuku. 

The group of fans looked back. and within a couple of seconds, more than half the group had run away. all because of Izuku. Who didnt even look affected by it.'' Well, that's kinda mean,'' Raven said with Izuku shrugging.'' Have been used to it, Bonus tho, I really don't have lines in supermarkets anymore.'' Izuku said making a joke out of the situation. Unaware Nana had a scowl on her fist and was tightening her fist. Annoyed that they ran away from Izuku. Before she shook herself confused as to why she would be annoyed by it

'' Well seems that is that, Hope in. We will have a quick run by the agency But seeing the time, I will have you two just get used to the paperwork, and then we head home tomorrow we start with some training and a patrol, But first hero names, what are they?'' Raven asked friendly as he stepped into his car, Which was a 1966 ford Mustang GT.'' One of you got to get in the back btw, Or You wanna sit on the other's lap?'' Izuku instantly said shotgun, earning him the right to sit in the front. So they leaned the seat back and Nana got in before Izuku sat down.

'' I am the hero Nova.'' Cool Cool, And you dragon boy?'' The hero name Midoryuu.'' Hah, Good play on words. Well as you both know, I am Rush, My real name is Raven. I am of course ranked 5th in the latest poll.'' Sir, where will we sleep? a hotel or?'' No you guys will stay at my place, My wife kai has already readied two guest bedrooms so you can have some privacy, Or you wanna bunk up.'' Private is fine thank you'' Izuku answered as Nana was unable to

A large blush covered her face as she thought about sleeping next to Izuku. It took around 10 minutes but they arrived at Rushed Agency. He parked his car in the designed parking spot before getting out.'' Follow me, and tell me if I am Rushing it Haha.'' He joked before stepping in.'' Good Afternoon sir.'' The secretary greeted him before greeting the two students.'' This is the front desk. This lovely lady is, Megan. If you ever forget something, She will be able to help. Now then on the left, there is the waiting room for everyone else.'' Raven told them.

The area was mainly for those outside of heroing to wait in case they wanted to see someone or if they had a request or a job. Which happened often with the more well-known heroes.'' Now here is the main work area. These two desks are yours. Johnny here will explain how all the programs work after we get done. Right there is the break room. You can go when you are hungry, we have a coffee machine aswell as a snack bar. Plenty of fruit so take some if you want. Then right here is my office. It's where I do my work.'' They kept walking to the elevator

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