Aftermath of Hosu

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Raven, Kai, and Nana quickly moved into the Room Izuku had stayed at. When they entered they saw Izuku just sleeping. His skin was slightly paler than normal but nothing extreme, Nana without any real thinking moved right next to him, Watching him, watching over him to make sure nothing else happened, Both Raven and Kai sat down at the other chairs. They weren't worried, The doc said it was okay and Izuku was a tough kid,'' You should have seen the attack, Kai. I swear it looked like Something Endeavor could have pulled out.'' Raven said still amazed by the large fire breath Izuku was able to perform.

'' Wait the fuck'' Kai said, She had listened to Raven talk but scrolled thru her phone. While normally she only used it for some funny videos or phone games, She noticed alot of talking about a single video. the Izuku vs Stain video'' FUCK'' She said loudly alerting the group. She showed it to the rest. '' Dammit, I gotta call some people.'' While Raven had explained the situation to some heroes that asked. He now had to come up with a valid excuse for Izuku.

While the laws were not perfect, They were there to keep everyone safe. Quirk uses were illegal on public grounds. While there was some wiggle room with self-defense. Izuku was a hero in training. So the rules were a little more strict, He should have never fought Stain. But Raven had an idea, He called the chief of Police first.'' Hello sir, I am here to talk About Midoryuu.'' Raven said friendly, He had more than enough contact with the chief of police, Helping the cops was something Raven loved doing. It was his first goal.

Raven's quirk was weak as a child. He couldn't control it at all. So he wanted to be a cop, still save people, Just not like a hero. But during Middle school. He got more control and spent every moment mastering his abilities, which allowed him entrance into UA. But his respect and love for the police force stayed.'' Oh the dragon boy, What about. Wanting him removed from the hero path?'' He asked, Calls he expected to make'' No sir, I want to make sure this won't leave a mark on his record.'' Raven and the chief talked about how they could fix this for Izuku.

Both agreed nothing was done incorrectly, Stain was captured, and His reign of terror was over. While property damage was done, it wasn't extreme like some other heroes did. But the laws were dumb about it. They should have left and gotten a hero. Just like before quirks you are not allowed to enter a standoff with a criminal, This was the same. The call took a long. By the time it was done, Inko and Aizawa entered the hospital, both slightly out of breath as they ran from the garage toward here. They bumped into Raven who explained it was fine and Izuku would be okay.

Both still ran into the room. To see Kai in the corner seemingly playing a racing game, and Nana with her arms and head on the bed of Izuku, holding his hand asleep. As the door was pulled open by Inko it alerted Nana who jumped up, in a combat stance ''HUH'' She screamed worried before fully waking up and seeing Inko rush Izuku, cupping his head and looking him over while crying. Aizawa himself breathe a sigh of relief as he saw Izuku okay. Nana calmed down and backed up a little, slightly embarrassed as she noticed the small patch of drool on the back of her hand showing she fell asleep.

It took about an hour before something happened. The door was opened again, and a woman with blond hair slicked back, and two men in suits with sunglasses walked in.'' This room is private leave'' Aizawa said instantly standing up and getting in front of the group.'' We are from the HPSC, We are here to discuss the future of Mister Midoriya.'' The woman said calmly with Raven backing Aizawa up.'' What,'' Mister Midoriya has been videotaped breaking the law, by using his quirk against the hero killer. This alone is enough to kick him out of the hero program, One a dragon user like him should have never been allowed to join in the first place.

Kai and Inko both frowned annoyed at the treatment, Aizawa and Raven wanted to speak up, But Nana beat them to it.'' SHUT YOUR SHITTY MOUTH. HE IS MORE A HERO THAN ANY OF YOU CORRUPT OFFICE WORKERS, IF YOU SO MUCH AS TRY KICKING HIM OUT, I WILL MAKE SURE ALL MIGHT HEAR OF IT AND GOES PUBLIC.'' Nana screamed nearly using OFA with how mad she was.

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