it's over.

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Nezu stood behind his desk. His hands were behind his back as he looked out the window. he was looking over UA and the city. Behind him were three people he had never met before. three people that gave him a slight bit of fear.'' I am grateful for your actions, But I am not sure what you believe to be able to do.'' Nezu said. He turned around. the older dragon smiled.'' I understand you might believe that you know about the dragon powers. But even young Midoriya, with the help and advice he has gotten, is barely scraping the bottom of the barrel.''

Nezu tapped his finger on the desk.'' Principle, We both know that AFO will not stop. Midoryuu, Might have stopped him for today. But he did so with the help of countless heroes and a broken AFO. If he so much as tried to do it again. He would die.'' Nezu frowned slightly. The older dragon was correct. While Izuku was powerful. In comparison, he could defeat countless thugs. Compared to some threats. He was but a pebble.'' And now that his presence has become Known to the outside world. We will not be the only ones that would search for him.'' Rex spoke.

'' Indeed. While I agree, Midoriya does deserve his peace for now. We can not allow him to sit idle for too long. Dragons as experienced as me or AFO, Might not really be interested in fighting, But the younger generation. The dragons from other countries. They can. It's not uncommon for them to want to test and show their strength And with his recent Showing. There is not a more suitable candidate to fight in the world.'' The older dragon said. His hands rested softly on his cane.

''It's merely my wish to help Midoriya grow. He is a strong young man with set morals. One that could perhaps finally clear the public's opinion of us. That could perhaps force dragons out of hiding. To remove their fear of being hunted.'' I see. Well. I shall contact Mister Midoriya, However. I can not single Midoriya out. I could create a small workshop. To strengthen students. But this would include more.'' OH, THAT SOUNDS FUN.'' Tohru said happily as the older dragon smiled.'' Thats fine. Rex can focus on the technique part of the training for I believe the two dragons in your mits, While the others can entertain Tohru''

Rex nodded. Fine with the plan he looked at the small picture he held in his hands. Tohru just nodded happily as she found it fun she got to play with people.'' Well then Mister Kobayashi. I do hope your training will be of use to both Ryuko and Midoriya'' The older man nodded.'' I am certain it will.'' He stood up. Rex and Tohru following.'' I do hope I can be of use to the newer generation.'' The older man said as he walked off. His cane tapping on the floor was the only sound as he left Nezu's office.

Nezu spun his chair around. a slight bit of sweat on his fur as he let a breathe of relief out. That man had an aura like no other. It brought Nezu's own animal instincts forth. so much so, that Nezu wanted to flee.'' Now then. the other part I am not looking forward to.'' Nezu looked at his agenda. In around 45 minutes He had a meeting planned with the entire school. They would be told the full truth from Nezu. It was not something Izuku should tell them.

The 45 minutes flew by. as he stood on the podium. The entire school filled in the auditorium. The three heroics classes are present and on the front. The first years. In Izuku's own class, all 43 students were present and in the first row. The second and third years were mostly all there aswell. Nezu noticed some of them. Mostly the big three hanging in the back. Yet while most of the other classes would have never shown up, Now it was a full house. The support courses, General studies, and even business courses. All classes had gotten themselves in the room. Every seat was filled, with some students and teachers standing at the back.

'' Welcome everyone. I know you all have questions as to what has just occurred.'' YEAH IS THAT DRAGON KID A VILLAIN OR NOT. WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT ON THE TV.'' One of the third years yelled.'' Mister Midoriya is not and has never been a villain.'' Nezu said calmly but with conviction.'' The actions Mister Midoriya took. where actions I told him to take.'' Nezu said again. the slight whispers going away.

The Hero of the Green: MidoRyuuWhere stories live. Discover now