Hosu's attack

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'' Oh come on, Kill you. Give me a break. There is a lot of room between alive and dead. Both your arms broken into dust with your teeth knocked down your throat can still mean your breathing.'' Izuku said keeping his arms and guard up. Stain pulled his blade out of the wall and dropped to the ground'' I like you kid, Your heart is in the right place, So I will do you this solid before I cut you down. There are a set of freaks after you. They asked me to join them.''

Izuku gave a laugh.'' Don't tell me, A fucker with hands over himself. And a purple-covered freak, But you refused. Their whole, kill all might bs, Doesn't go well with your search for a true hero now does it.'' Stain licked his lips as he grinned at Izuku'' You understand. Good, Then you know why I have to do what I do. I can't have those vile corrupt, sick fucks ruin the rest. They have to die and be cut away. Like the cancer they are.'' Izuku started to breathe deeply. In thru his nose and out his mouth. Slowly Stain took notice of embers around him.

'' THEY ARE HEROES NOT A SICKNESS BAHHHHHH'' Izuku yelled before trying his best to breathe flames, But nothing happened, No flames happened and he just yelled. This was the start of the fight. Stain Ran forward his knives drawn. He took a sidestep. Dodging Izuku's jab. Stain jumped right where he wanted. Izuku's right side. On his lower back. Three small holes close to each other. Not even bleeding anymore, But Stain knew, Izuku no longer had an unbroken shield. There were cracks, and when there are cracks, There is a way to break them. Stain thrust his blade deep into Izuku's back.'' AH FUCKER AH.'' Izuku swiped his arm back. Hitting Stain in the arm. A mere swipe, a backhand. An act of shock, not power. But still

Stain was moved, it felt like someone had punched him full force in the arm. In the end. Izuku was bleeding. As Stain was kicked away, The knife was pulled out, Ripped out.'' Now the time is ticking, Bleed out to stop me, Or flee and cause death.'' Izuku began to breathe deeply again. Focusing on breathing. And Stain was not having it. If a quick backhand was enough to hurt him, A fully focused attack would be too much. Jumping on the wall.

He used it as a springboard to rocket toward Izuku where he stabbed again. While it didnt fully pierce the skin. Izuku was still attacked with a metal bar and it stung. but he had to focus.'' BAAHH'' a breathing attack again, Only for it to not work, But Stain went for an attack. Both blades went from low to up. The points aimed right for his ribs, But Izuku finally caught him. 


Nana believed she could save both of them and get back to help Izuku. Two people had a better chance than one, But With Native on her shoulder and Ida in her hand, She ran the corner into a group of 2 Nomu. '' Dammit.'' She called out, Dropping both of them. Before moving right into the fight, Not letting the two realize the fight started. Nana Ran up to One, Jumping slightly higher than the height of the Nomu. Her hand is straight. Covered in OFA, she chopped down. Right onto the head of the Nomu. Thanks to Raven's training, Nana was way more capable.

Before Nana could use OFA on one part of her body or two. But swapping took time and concentration. Focusing on turning it off. Then powering up the level she needed and wanted wasn't simple. But Raven taught her instead of going from place to place, Use it everywhere at once, You don't have to slow down to swap if you don't have to swap at all. But, it took more control than she was used to. Thus she had a lower amount, She could punch and kick at around 20%, But using it all over was around 7%.

She chopped down at the Nomu, Hitting the Nomu square in the head, shocking it slightly before it turned slamming Nana right in the gut. She flew back a bit, But she caught herself on the ground and rocketed forward. Kicking off the ground with her feet and pulling herself forward with her arm. Right into a spear. Going shoulder first into the Nomu. Rocketing it and herself right into a car.'' She stepped off quickly, grabbed the car, and folded It right into the Nomu. '' You ain't going anywhere.'' Nana quickly said before turning around, right into a punch. 

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