Internships of the girls

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Kyoka was on her back on the floor, Breathing heavily as she was just allowed a break from her rough training program. While she knew there would be some training involved with the internships. This was the next level. Most of every day, they were training. Wake up, report of duty, Tremor would look his sidekicks over. Then they would start the day by looking over reports and deciding where they would patrol and who would take over what area, and what heroes would act as a standby in case of emergency.

The next thing on the list. working out. Pure strength and endurance training for 2 hours straight. At least for Kyoka and her group. As they were under emergency response. Next for her would be lunch. A large packed lunch that would restore them with all the energy they needed. The roles would switch. That meant patrol. Which was around an hour or hour and a half of walking around and looking around for trouble. Sometimes you would find some, and sometimes nothing would happen.  After that, Kyoka's favorite time, and least favorite time. Personal quirk training with Tremor.

For Kyoka, this was meeting an idol. But oh was he brutal. He was able to read vibrations. Meaning anywhere you walked, he sensed it. He expected Kyoka to basically do the same. With her jacks in the ground and her eyes closed. Kyoka listened as well as she could hear the near-silent footsteps of Tremor. He of course knew how Kyoka could grow. But instead of just giving her more power. She first had to figure out how to handle the power she already had. She had to master her abilities in order to add new possibilities. Thus learning to focus on almost silent movements would help her out far more than learning a new super move.


Mina had chosen Pixie-bob, as her hero. The energetic kitty of the Wild Wild pussycat. But she had never believed that she had to deal with all the pussycats during training. Sure most of the time was spent with Pixie-bob. The time she shared with Pony. Both were fighters. Both knew they wanted a Pixie-bob style of fighting. Mina's problem was holding back. Her acid hurt people. So she couldn't attack people head-on. The pony had a problem of her own. She had the horns that she fought with.

But they were pointy, And they weren't that fast. It often just left her wide open. So half the time it wasn't worthy to fight with it.'' Now, ladies, I will show you how it's down.'' Pixie-bob said. She crouched down placing her hands down on the ground. Out of the ground rose two large mud beasts.'' Now both of you have a good chance of beating it, As it's not that strong, But you see, It looks strong. I have gotten so many people scared with these babies it's my greatest power'' To scare people?'' Mina asked not really getting the point.

Pixie-bob went down again before a burst of earth shot up, Pixie-bob flew up and over the two girls, She landed behind them. The way she landed caused her hands to make contact, Instantly just like she landed, two hands of the earth came up and grabbed Mina and Pony.'' It's about smarts with your quirk. If you don't feel ready to fight with it, then use it to move and scare them.'' Pixie-bob explained. And saying She shared a soul with the two ladies, made them smile as it all made sense.


Setsuna was together with Mina, But her shared teammate was Reiko. Both had picked the hero Ragdoll. While both Setsuna and Reiko could do more with their quirks than Ragdoll, They wanted to act like Ragdoll. The pussycats had a great team. Part of that teamwork, was because Ragdoll gave information. Telling Mandalay what the villain's weak points were so that Pixie-bob and Tiger could attack them. Both Setsuna and Reiko had that ability of sorts. Reiko could float herself, But Setsuna could float parts of herself upwards and see weak points by using her head.'' Nope, that's not high enough hihi.'' Ragdoll said

She spun around aggressively with a rock in her hand. She threw it hard in the air. And right in the area, Setsuna went to dodge. She received a hard rock on the forehead. '' OUCHIE'' Setsuna whined as her forehead turned slightly red.'' You have to have range, and be close enough to act on it.'' Ragdoll laughed before doing a cartwheel out of the way of Reiko attacking with a rock of her own. Fighting Ragdoll was one of the worse things a student could do. Because if one thing was a fact, Ragdoll was chaotic as hell.

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