The First Four Fights

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The battle started. Rumi like always shot forward. She stayed low. Nearly crawling over the floor as she shot toward Kamakiri Who quickly used his quirk to create two large dense blades at the pinky side of his forearms. He slammed these hard in the group. Right as Rumi Spun and showed she went for a very low ankle kick. This would have been hard enough to kick Kamakiri off balance or break his ankles. which meant a win either way for Rumi. But Kamakiri caught on.'' Easy NOW GET SLICED.'' 

Kamakiri removed the two large blades that put a stop to Rumi and grew two smaller but wider blades at the top of his forearms. straight with his fist. Before he could make his first move. Rumi slammed her feet down on the floor. Bringing up a bit of sand and dust but also creating a good amount of distance between the two.'' I hoped I could have ended it quickly so I don't give the others a chance to counter me, But seems that I got no choice.'' Kamakiri however ignored her cocky bolstering and ran forward.

'' CIRCLE SAW OF DEATH,'' Kamakiri screamed before jumping up and twisting his body so it was aimed sideways. His arms aimed at the floor and at the sky. and he started spinning. Rotating up and down quickly with his blade at the forefront. and more importantly, aimed right at Rumi.'' KICK HIS GREEN ASS RURU, YOU GOT THIS!'' Mina cheered from the Heroic viewing Box. She was halfway over the railing screaming her lungs out for one of her besties. She wasn't alone, the entire crowd was filled with cheers for the battle. Those cheers were fueled by the overly excited Present Mic.

'' OH, MAN WOULD YOU LOOK AT THAT. KAMAKIRI IS PULLING OUT THE BIG GUNS. IF I WAS HIS OPPONENT I WOULD RUN AT THE WAY.'' Aizawa sat next to him and shook his head'' While both fighters are incredible in their own right each has their own specialty. While Kamakiri here is a definite strong fighter. he often rushes in head first. Usagiyama however has been around more controlled fighters and thus learned a couple of tricks that might work out well in her favor.'' Aizawa of course knew that this fight would be great for both as a learning experience. Both often acted a little too rashly.

'' Fucking Big mistake mantis boy'' Rumi screamed as she jumped over him. Right as he got close enough to hit, Rumi went over him by a hair. Just enough to miss but not waste a single second. She turned around already extending her leg. With a full 180, She gave a powerful Kick on Kamakiri's back to fling him out of the ring.'' OOOOH WHAT A BEAUTIFUL DISPLAY OF ATLETISM, USAGIYAMA HAS TAKEN THE WIN AND WILL ADVANCE TO THE NEXT ROUND,'' Rumi raised her arms in victory, basking in the cheers and admiration.

'' NOW THE NEXT TWO FIGHTERS WILL HAVE THEIR CHANCE TO SHINE. THEIR CHANCE TO BREAK A BONE OR GO HOME. RYUKO TATSUMA WILL GO BLOW FOR BLOW WITH HER OPPONENT. MEI HATSUME IS A WOMAN WILLING TO CREATE HER OWN GADGETS. WILL HER SMARTS GET HER THE WIN? OR WILL SHE LOSE AGAIN THE MIGHT THAT IS TATSUMA'' Present Mic loudly called out as Ryuko and Mei walked out of the heroic watching area. Planning to have a fair and honest fight. Both already felt like they knew how this match would go. But neither wanted to embarrass the other.

As they stepped into the ring. Both gave a quick nod and bowed to each other as Present Mic screamed his final words before giving them the okay to start fighting. Mei only had the stuff that was in her pockets. It was all she was really allowed to bring. While saving Izuku gave her brownie points to Aizawa. it did not really help with Nezu who was still the boss. But he did allow her a semblance of fairness. to use what she could carry in her pockets. Which while it wasn't much. Would help her alot more than being able to use nothing.

'' My apologize Hatsume, While I enjoy your company, and wish not to hurt you, I must get on to the next event.'' Mei just showed her teeth happily. as she walked forward to the stationary Ryuko.'' I know, I know. I don't have much of a chance going further, Just wanna get everyone's eyes off my babies.'' Mei raised her arms out of her pockets and it showed a glove of sorts. the most important part was the circular hole in the middle.'' TAKE A PEAK AT MY SURGE GLOVE'' Ryuko turned her legs into her dragon hybrid form.

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