A new challenge?

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Rex stood looking at both of them, Izuku had been meditating, Slowing his breathing as he strengthened his mind, Trying to strengthen his resolve to be a hero, strengthening his path as a man, For the first time. Izuku started thinking about what his end goal was. Being the first hero dragon could not be his end goal. He needed to keep growing stronger or else he could not protect anyone.

With that thought, he knew. He wanted to protect, He wanted to protect everyone, Not just his mother, Not just his girlfriends or his friends, No Izuku wanted to protect the entire world. He was the opposite of AFO. Where that dragon wanted to destroy the world and rule it with an iron fist. Izuku wanted to help the world, protect it, and be the first line of defense. '' Okay Get up.'' Izuku opened his eyes, Before standing up and facing Rex.'' What now?''

Rex gave a smile.'' Now we have a light spar, I would offer two-on-one, But to be frank, I can't fight that well to hold both of you off. So let me first spar with Midoriya, Then I shall spar against Miss Tatsuma.'' Rex said with both nodding.'' It would be best if you learned from this Miss. Also, do not use dragon chants at the moment Midoriya, This is a step to purely estimate your physical abilities. I, however, to keep up shall need to.'' Rex said. In contrast, Izuku was weak for his rank of dragon, He was still clover to Rex than he would like to admit

'' Vahlok, Mul'' ( Gaurd, Strength.) Izuku smiled as he gave a nod.'' Let's start.'' Izuku rushed in instantly. Dashing forward with his powerful legs, His right hand swung back as he sloppily threw his left, Rex instantly saw it coming, Tapping the left hand out of the way, He brought both hands up for the right coming his way. Or so he believed. Izuku had baited him. While it looked as if he would have landed a straight right punch. Izuku simply went for a push. Nearly a throw as Rex flew backward and upwards.

With no ground under his feet. Rex was unable to move. Izuku took advantage of that. Crouching slightly and jumping up. Izuku buried his shoulder deep in Rex his gut. Landing a spear on him, Before slamming Rex into the ground.  But Rex recovered, Grabbing Izuku around his gut, He pulled him off and threw him over himself. Allowing Rex to stand up.'' Well, You are skilled, But still lacking.'' Rex took a stance, Crouching slightly, His hands pushed in front of himself. His breathing slowed as he faced Izuku head-on.

Izuku dashed in. Now his hand is ready as a claw, His fingers ready to rip and tear. But as he came closer, Rex closed his open hands, now only a knuckle sticking out slightly. With quick speed and dangerous power, Rex landed a strike, Right in the middle of Izuku's bicep, and nearly instantly Izuku felt like he had lost 50% in that arm. He jumped back as he clutched his arm.'' That's the same shit Rush uses.'' Rex smiled.'' While I have no interest in heroing, I do have an interest in protecting my family, For that reason. I studied plenty of martial arts, including the one created by Rush.''

Izuku knew how dangerous that one was, Having his taste of the master.'' I will say, your rusty, Rush would have dislocated my arm in one go.'' Izuku said with a cocky smile as he rolled his shoulder, shaking his arm slightly as he tried to return more feeling and blood in his arm.'' Oh, I am aware, I Could not master it nearly as well as Rush, But against you, I am able enough to win.'' Izuku slowed his breathing.

He was getting too worked up, He remembered the lessons in that filthy warehouse. He needed to stay calm. Slowly Izuku started to use the energy he felt, The same energy that was used in the flame breath to coat his skin. Just how AFO had taught him. And Rex smiled. Rex thought'' Finally he is learning how to be a dragon warrior, even without direct help,''

It took a moment, one Rex happily gave, But Izuku was able to coat himself, A protective layer of energy around him.'' Good, You're doing the first step, You can move the energy around, Now infuse your muscles, infuse your bones, your nerves, your blood vessels, infuse everything, Allow everything to become a vessel for the energy, allow your body to take in more energy.'' Rex said. Izuku's eyes went wider. So far the energy had swirled around his gut. His belly, But now. Rex wanted it to cover his entire existence.

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