Dealing with feelings

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'' Hello Todoroki'' A voice spoke as Shoto entered the office. He closed the door and turned around. The room was neatly made. a multitude of rewards placed on the walls. multiple pictures aswell. In the room, you had a desk which was placed in a corner. And in the middle of the room you had two chairs with two tables. One seat was taken. The therapist pointed at the other seat.'' Please sit.'' The woman said with a soft voice as she pointed it with her hand.

The woman herself was at least double the normal height. She had a alot of fox-like facial features. Her skin was more like fur. with a light green fir with a mix of white at the chin and belly Her large curves clearly visible. Shoto sat down. his arms crossed as he sat silently.'' I can see you are not happy to be here. Could you perhaps inform me why that is'' The woman spoke in a calm and soft voice Her face had a soft smile.'' Who says I am not happy to be here.'' Shoto said dry, Sure he wasn't happy to be here. he wanted to be somewhere else.

'' Your body language of course. Your crossed arms are a  sign you don't want to open up. The fact your leaning back, shows you are trying to distance yourself from me and this conversation. So please why don't you want to speak with me.'' Shoto leaned slightly forward and placed his hands to his side before clearing his throat.'' It's just that I don't really like, a therapist. I don't see what talking about my feelings would do. And the fact you most likely know the answer to some of my problems but won't share them with me is concerning.''

Shoto wasn't finished and The woman kept silent.'' The simple fact that you earn money off the longer this goes doesn't really give me the feeling you want to fix this, Nor does the fact that you need people with problems in order to keep your job.'' The woman chuckled'' Those are some really good points. I will answer them. Talking about your feelings might not help right away, But hopefully, it will make you understand them which will help. I don't know all the awnsers, But it's the same with teachers. If they told you, you would not be able to grow.''

'' You need to find the awnsers yourself for real growth to take place, I plan to make this as short as possible, Mostly because I want to help as many people as I can. I heard from your father that you wanted to be a hero. You arrest criminals yet you will need criminals to keep your job. The simple fact is we don't live in a Utopia, My and your future job will always stay, But let's continue.'' The woman opened her tablet and grabbed a smart pen.

'' Now Let's do an introduction. My name is Ippan Jossei. I am 34 years old. I have been a therapist for over 10 years now and I have been working here for 3. I mostly work with heroes and heroics students. My quirk is called Kitsune. It gives me a larger body and fox-like Features. I enjoy reading, and bike riding, my favorite food is chocolate and my favorite drink is iced tea. Now If you could introduce yourself'' Ippan asked, clearly planning to write down his information, But having shared enough of herself to give Shoto reason to trust her.

 Shoto scratched his leg, almost wanting to cross his arms but stopping himself'' My name is Shoto Todoroki, I am 18 years old. I am in my first year at UA hero course and I am trying to be a hero. My quirk is called half hot half cold, It allows me to send out flames from one side and ice from the other. What else I like working out and my favorite food is cold Soba.'' Ippan nodded as she wrote everything down.'' Now I heard from your parents in your class there is a student you don't get along with. Why is that?'' Ippan asked as she looked up from her tablet.

Shoto frown slightly'' It's not that I don't get along with him. It's just I don't trust him. He is a dragon quirk user. They are evil and he will betray UA. I just don't plan to fall for it.'' Ippan wrote some stuff down.'' Now have you spoken to him and asked why he is at UA?'' No Like I said I don't plan to become buddy-buddy with him. He is a villain in the making.'' Ippan knew who he was talking about. 

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