Something new

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Inko stepped out of the car, With Izuku following, His face was bandaged up, But it was still visible, he now had two obvious black eyes.  the bandages around his nose were slightly bloodied,'' You know what the doctor said, Izuku, No solid foods, I will make you an extra big portion when you are healed but for now you will stick to nonsolids, So yogurt, soup, and that stuff.'' FINE,'' Izuku wanted to pout, but that frankly hurt too much, So he just walked to his room, Not wanting to deal with stuff.

He really wanted to see his friends, But at the moment that just hurt, They always made him laugh and when he laughed his nose hurt, So he just stuck to be in his room, hopefully being able to play something on the gaming consoles. But as he was doing that, Inko was making her way to the neighbor's house. Knocking twice and waiting. It didnt take long for the door to be opened.'' Hey Ink, how is Izuku? He in alot of pain?'' Inko shook her head at Chichi's question.'' He acts like it, But the doctor gave him some pain medication, But uhm, could you perhaps call your brother down.'' Chichi smirked, noticing the small blush so, like the friend and little sister she was.

'' SHOOOOO, YOUR FUTURE GIRLFRIEND IS HERE.'' Inko used her quirk to float a small magazine over to hit her in the head, causing her to laugh even more as she walked away. The only thing that increased her blush, even more, was Shota screaming back.'' INKO IS NOT MY FUTURE GIRLFRIEND, NOW SHUT UP AND GO BACK EATING YOU SMELLY PIG, OH, uhm hey Inko sorry about that. What is it, Need any help?'' Inko shook her head.

'' N-no,'' She took a deep breath.'' No, I would like to invite you over for dinner. uhm AS A THANK YOU WITH IZUKU, TOTALLY NOT BECAUSE I WANT TO GET TO KNOW YOU BETTER THAT WASNT IT, JUST YOU KNOW TO THANK YOU.'' Inko blurted out, Both only blushing as Chichi laughed loudly from the other room.'' Um, well if you insist, I will happily take you up on that offer.'' Inko nodded with a smile.'' Is seven okay?'' Shota nodded making Inko smile and run back to her house.'' ships, I still need to clean.

Inko started cleaning her already neat and clean household. Only to jump in the shower right after. Inko wasn't expecting anything, She didnt want anything to happen yet. She just didnt want to smell like sweat and cleaning supplies during dinner. That however didnt stop her from putting on her best and most beautiful dresses. A soft lime green dress, It reached a little below her knees. She loved it, And finally, she started cooking. Now asking Izuku this question would result in an instant single question, His mother's cooking was divine, Nothing better on earth, But Inko wanted it to taste even better, 

Aizawa rang the ball at exactly seven. Inko skipped down the stairs, Just having given Izuku his soup and tea, But at the perfect temperature that he could eat it yet not burn his mouth which could hurt him.'' On-time as always.'' Aizawa gave a breath as a chuckle.'' It's illogical to let people wait.'' Please come in. Dinner is just about ready, Would you like some wine.'' Inko said as she stood to the side.'' I will have what you will.'' Aizawa said as he hung his coat up. and walked in. He himself had cleaned up aswell.

Wearing clean black pants with a tighter black shirt. His hair was washed and combed back. clean-shaven. And most importantly he was standing straight. He walked around the house, First time being inside this made his notice things.'' You like These books.'' He pointed at the set of fantasy books about pirates.'' Yes, Izuku wanted to watch the movie together, which I enjoyed, and decided to buy the books.'' Aizawa laughed as he walked toward the table where Inko placed his glass of wine. He sat down and just looked at Inko who was finishing the last part of dinner.

She placed both bowls down and took a seat on the other side of the table.'' Itadakimasu'' Both took a bite, for Inko it was a normal meal, For Aizawa, it was as if the flavor god came down and just punched him in the face.'' Oh wow, This is absolutely delicious.'' Aizawa started eating more. While he always made sure there was food in the house, and Chichi always cooked healthy meals for Hitoshi, Aizawa more often than not ate like trash. Best he mostly ate, during work was Bento from nearby shops, and at home, either microwave meals, Or cold leftovers. 

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